Chapter eight

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I was sat at the campfire in camp with Javier, talking to him in Spanish "Estás preciosa, querida" (you look beautiful my dear) I smile at his comment, going a little red "Cállate Javier" (shut up Javier) we chuckle, he puts his arm around me I struggle into him "Aw look at these two Spanish ones" Miach tries to annoy us "Fuck off Miach." Javier tells him back "Ooh I'm so scared!" I roll my eyes, Javier gets up "Javier it's fine, I'm not bothered, we can just go sit somewhere else" I get up and take him away "I could of taken him." I laugh "We all could" we start laughing and sit by the cliff in Horseshoe Overlook just watching the sunset together.

I fell asleep against Javier, I woke up in my tent with his poncho on me, I smile, I stretch, sitting up and getting ready for the day keeping the poncho on, as it's really comfortable I walk out of my tent looking around to see who's awake, Charlie! I walk over "Hey Charlie" he looks at me and smiles "Hey Mill, what's up? Oh and nice poncho, is that how you say it?" I nod "Yeah that is and I'm good" I sit with him "How are you?" I smile at him "I'm doing good, Sean told me that it was Karen who made him have sex with her and that he didn't want too, so I forgave him a little he just has to make me trust him again, we are sill together as I love him so much but...what if he can't?" I look at him "He will, Sean loves you so much" Charlie smiles and hugs me "Thanks Millie" I smile and hug him back "No worries Charlie, I hope he makes it up to you quickly" Charlie laughs slightly "He will, I know it."

"Good girl Goose" I was brushing my horse, she's getting very old and I need to let her go or she is be overworked by doing jobs "I'll find you a beautiful place, I promise" I smile and kiss her neck I feel arms around my hips then a kiss to my cheek, Javier "Hey Javier" I smile "Hey hermosa" (beautiful) I got a little red and pull down my hat so he can't see my cheeks going red "How about we go get you a new horse? Because Goose is old and we can't let her die on you" I turn to face Javier "I was going to do that now, but first we need to find Goose a place to live, I'm not selling her" he nods and get on his horse, I get on my own and we ride off.

We found a beautiful place for Goose to live in the wild, I get off her and take her saddle off her rains, everything "Bye girl, be good okay? And don't get caught by the law" I laugh before walking away "Let's go find a new horse, yeah?" I nod.

After hours of looking we found a Ardennes, a beautiful girl, she was grey on the top and black legs like boots, an iron grey coat, just beautiful, I call to her and slowly start walking over careful not to make her scared and make her run away I get close and pat her "Hey beautiful girl, mind if I ride you?" I slowly get on her and try to stay on as she tried to buck me off, she calms down, I pat her neck "I did it! I did it! I got a new horse!" I giggle petting her neck "Well done hermosa" (beautiful) I smile "Thanks Javier" I get off and put the saddle on her carefully and gently "Come on, let's get you back" I get back on and we both ride back, smiling.

I get off my horse, I think I'm going to name her Boots, as she has boots, she's really calm and lovely to ride, she's fast for her breed and she's strong, I walk into camp with Javier "I'm going to go talk with John, I'll see you soon" he kisses my cheek before walking away, I smile I still have his poncho and I'm never giving it back.

Sitting at the campfire was fun but not very fun when everyone has gone to bed and you can't sleep like at all, not because you had a nightmare it was because you just can't fall asleep, you were very tried but you can't just fall asleep, you sighed hating not being able to sleep "Still can't sleep right?" I smile at Hosea's voice he always knew how to make you happy "No dad, I can't, I haven't had any coffee since this morning" I look at him, Hosea sat with me "Want to hear a story of mine?" I smile "Yes please dad" he chuckles before telling me a story of him and Dutch doing a job.

I smile once Hosea finishes the story "That was a good one dad" he smiles "I always tell good story" I laugh "You always do" I yawn "Try to sleep, okay?" Hosea tells me "Okay, love you dad" he looks at me "Love you too Millie" I smile before walking into my tent, laying down trying my hardest to fall asleep but I just can't I just can't do it, I sigh, maybe I was lonely? No, I'm used to sleeping on my own but maybe it's because I was now used to being with Javier, but I couldn't go wake him up now, it's way to late and he's sleeping, I look over at his poncho, I grab it quickly but putting it next to me, hugging it tightly before falling asleep after some time.

Javier walks into my tent while I'm still asleep in the morning because Hosea told him you were having trouble sleeping, he saw you all cuddled up with his poncho, he quickly got into your cot with you, hugging you while slept, you smiled in your sleep.

Millie GreenwoodWhere stories live. Discover now