BK to BX

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I sighed walking up the steps to my apartment there wasn't nothing I hated more than these stairs right now. By the time I made it I was practically out of breath, as I unlocked the door to my apartment the moment I viewed the couch I felt as tears came to my eyes slightly.

Taking off my coat I threw it on the rack as I made my way to the couch and plopped down on top of it. Letting off a sigh as I relaxed into the couch, I stared up at the ceiling and the more I stared at it the more I felt like crying.

I was alone here in Brooklyn.

There wasn't anyone here, there used to be people here that I could rely on however everything changed and a place that I once found to be my center was now a place of sadness.

Moving onto my side from my back I let out a sigh as I clicked aimlessly through the channels just looking at everything at a blur really. In the midst of my spacing out I placed my hand on my stomach feeling the movement inside, he normally felt comfort and would settle down.

I closed my eyes allowing myself to feel as he was moving, a small smile making its way onto my face. The moment I began to relax , a knock on the door made me groan as I'd have to disrupt this peaceful moment.

Sitting up I winced a little bit at the minimal pain in my back, letting out a breath I stood up and walked over to my door. Looking through the peephole I didn't see anybody, I gave it a little bit of time before I finally opened up the door and poked my head out.

There wasn't anybody around, just a note on the door. Peeling it off I closed the door, and walked back to the couch opening the note. Sitting criss-crossed I read the contents of the letter , and it still didn't do anything besides just make me want to break everything and anything in my vicinity.

Before I could really react on my feelings, my phone began to ring on the table. Picking it up a little bit of my anger subsided as my Pops face popped up on the screen. Chuckling I picked up the phone, "Hey Babygirl, how's my grandbaby doin?" He asked

I chuckled, "Yeah I'm good Pops thanks for asking" I said to him laying back down on the couch

He smacked his lips, "I know you're good girl otherwise you won't be answerin' the phone" He said

I sighed rolling my eyes, "Aight so when you makin' your way down this side? You plan to be over there during everything?" He asked

"I mean there's...."

My Pops laughed, " Exactly ain't nothin' over there for y'all, I gotta buddy who can give you a spot cheaper than what you got right now, and ion want my only grandbaby to be born in Brooklyn like his lowlife sperm donor"He said gruffly

I sighed, "I guess you're right"I said as I could practically hear his smile through his words

"Alright Imma be over there tomorrow and we can sort everything out and pack up everything" He said

"Gotcha old man"

My Pops chuckled, "I love you babygirl don't forget that" He said

I smiled, "And I love you too Pops"

We ended the phone call , and I sighed placing my phone down on my coffee table looking around my apartment there wasn't much in here that I wanted to take with me. It seemed like I really only wanna take my clothes and bed set really everything else can stay.

Getting up from the couch I let out a breath before I walked into my bedroom and looked around it for the last time. I needed to leave, being in this space of hurt wasn't going to do me any good and I don't want this atmosphere and these feelings to be placed onto the baby.

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