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The moment that Dougie walked out of the restaurant we could only see the back of him, and it seemed like the only one really getting worked up was Dougie. After awhile Trey turned around walking away leaving Dougie shaking his head and
eventually walking back inside with his jaw clenched slightly. Zahir stared at him, as did I once had sat down, we didn't say anything until after a minute he sighed and picked his head up looking at the two of us giving us a small smile.

I extended my hand across the table placing it over his, and looking into his eyes. "You okay?"

Dougie nodded his head," I'm good jus a misunderstanding" He said

I wasn't going to press him on the matter until ha made notions of wanting to discuss it first. Our food came out shortly after and Zahir had went back to sitting down next to Dougie. The three of us continued eating,talking, and laughing all the way up until we eventually ended up paying and leaving, continuing our original journey back home. As we walked up the steps of the building s once we reached the top Zahir immediately ran ahead, "Pop-Pop!" he yelled

My eyes widened as they looked between my Pops who was now giving Zahir his many kisses and hugs towards Dougie who was looking at Zahir with a smile. "My lil'man, how was school today?"He asked Zahir

Zahir smiled brightly, "It was fun, and look Dougie came with Mommy to pick me up" He pointed

Now if my eyes already didn't look like they weren't already about to pop out of my eye sockets, I know for sure they now could've looked like they could damn near should be on the floor. As Pops turned his gaze to look at Dougie and I he'd already had his eyebrow raised, and before ne could even utter a word I quickly spoke, "Pops ain't you hot standin' out here why don't we go inside?" I said trying to usher him inside of the building lobby.

Pops didn't even budge , honestly speaking I knew I wasn't gonna be able to move the man but an attempt was still better than leaving him to say whatever the hell was going to come out of his mouth. "Y/N" He said making me stop

I looked up at him giving him a small smile, "Yes Pops?"

He didn't say anything as he looked down at me , I took a step back from him and sighed . "Pops this is Dougie , Dougie this is my Pops" I said introducing the two

Dougie extended his hand out for Pops, who shook it and did that typical Dad handshake where he gripped his hand mad hard but Dougie didn't falter as he offered a smile. "Nice to meet you sir" Dougie said

Pops nodded his head, "Dougie your real name?"

"No sir it's just what people call me" He answered

Pops raised his eyebrow, "So what's ya real name y'know incase I gotta grab her Tio and get to business?" He questioned , and mind you they still held each others hands in the handshake.

Dougie chuckled, "My names Arion, Arion Howard"

Pops nodded his head as he squeezed Dougie's hand once more before shaking his hand and releasing it. Looking between the two men they stared at each other for a hot minute , which confused me . "Um so can we go inside now it's mad hot outside , and I pay for good AC" I said drawing their attention towards Zahir and I

Dougie chuckled, "Yeah! Pop-Pop and Dougie we can play cars!" Zahir said grabbing both of their hands and tugging on them

Both of them nodded their heads at him, as he dragged them inside with me trailing behind them. I shook my head, as we walked through the building and went to the elevator to head up to our floor. Dougie stood next to me , as Zahir was in the middle of them going on and on about how school was to Pops.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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