Year 5

392 17 1

5 Years Later

Walking into the room with limited light due to the buzz-lightyear nightlight , I felt the wall for the light switch and turned it on not enough for it to bother his eyes but enough for me to avoid stepping on the legos left on the floor from last nights building competition he'd had.

Going over to his bed, I chuckled as his mouth was left slightly ajar and his curls flattened by he wild sleeping. Placing a kiss on his cheek, he stirred a little groaning as he rubbed his eyes slightly. "Zahir" I whispered

He didn't open his eyes as he turned his head in my direction, "Papa, you gotta wake up so that we can go see Grandpa" I whispered to him

"D-does grandpa have pancakes?" He asked opening his eyes

I chuckled, "Your grandpa is gonna think we just use him for food at this rate"

Zahir blinked getting the sleep out of his eyes fully before sitting up and once again rubbing his eyes, "So no pancakes?" He asked

Smiling at him I nodded my head, "I'll call Grandpa and ask if he can make pancakes, but we gotta clean up first and get ready" I told him

Zahir nodded his head as he gave me a kiss on my cheek, and climbed off of his bed. We started with the legos scattered all over the floor placing them inside of their correct bins, before moving onto his action figures and cars. After a little while we had finished and I sent Zahir into the bathroom so that he could take a shower, and brush his teeth before we left the house.

As he was in the shower I pulled out my phone to call my Pops who of course answered on the first ring, "What's up Babygirl?" He asked with his typical greeting

I smiled, "Nothing much just getting Zahir ready" I told him as I set out Zahir's clothes on his bed

"Hows my boy? Y'all comin' over after?"

I chuckled, "Your boy wants Grandpa's pancakes"

Pops laughed on the other end of the phone, "I'll make the pancakes if y'all stop by the store and grab some stuff for me, I'll send the money" He told me


"Aight I'll send you a list, just let me know when y'all are downstairs" He said

"Aight Pops, see you later"

When I put the phone on the dresser Zahir came out of the bathroom in his little Lightening McQueen robe, "Was that Grandpa?" He asked excitedly

I smiled nodding my head, "Yeah we have to stop at the store for him, and then he'll make the pancakes" I told him as I began getting him lotioned and then dressed.

Zahir nodded his head as he began talking about the different shapes his Grandpa makes with the pancakes causing me to chuckle. I truly loved their relationship, it was exactly like the one I'd had with my Pops when I was a kid. For a while when I was younger my mom was in the picture until one day she just up and left and then it was just Pops and I.

Once I was done getting Zahir dressed, I grabbed my keys and the two of us were off to the store. We decided to go to the Walmart that was nearby my Pops place, and Zahir insisted he didn't want to get the shopping cart with the additional kids seat because he wanted to help me pick out Grandpa's stuff and because he said he's a big boy and can walk on his own.

Sighing I looked down at my phone, and then at Zahir who was holding onto the side of the cart looking at the fruit. "Alright Za let's start on your Grandpa's ridiculous list " I said muttering the last part

"Okay Mommy" Zahir said giggling

As we walked through the store collecting the items on this elongated list we ended up in the that held the noodles and stuff in it. Zahir walked a little bit ahead of the cart and I , looking over to the aisle to make sure I'd grabbed the right one when I peered back up I noticed Zahir at the end of the aisle.

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