Chapter 3

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Poking my head around the edge of the doorway, I smile at the familiar oak furniture in the centre of the white, square room and grin. 'Surprise!'

Dad jumps in his brown chair before whirling around, eyes wide as they land on me. 'K!' he exclaims, jumping up and making his way across the office. His suit-covered arms wrap around me within seconds.

'Did you really think I wouldn't find out you were back in town?' I tease, as he pulls back.

Dad lets out a low laugh, his blue eyes twinkling. 'Not at all.' He pauses, dropping to his chair and gesturing for me to take the metal one across from him. 'It's your mother I'm trying to avoid.'

Cocking a brow, I reply, 'She'll find you in a matter of days.'

Dad nods. 'Then it's a good thing I jet back out tonight.'

I laugh. 'Where are you going?'

'Hong Kong.' He sits up, passing me a small paper file.

Flicking it open, I grin at the gorgeous hotel in the image, a white building that's illuminated by neon-green and pink lights.

'Why don't you come with me?'

I hum before shaking my head. 'I have appearances to keep up.'

Dad's brows furrow. 'K—'

'Plus, Oliver's invited me on a date next week,' I tell him, somewhat honestly. It's not a date, but I will be spending the evening with Oliver. At a party. His secret party.

Dad gives me a small smile. 'And you're happy with him?'

I nod. 'I love him.' That's not a lie. Misleading... yes, but not a lie.

Dad's grin widens. 'That's what matters.'

Leaning forward, I hand him back the file.

'I'll miss you out there. Maybe next time?'

I grin. 'Definitely.'


Making my way across the uneven cobblestones outside Dad's office just two hours and a sandwich later, I delicately place each white heel on the small, steady sections without stumbling. I brush my long, dark hair over my shoulder before grabbing the door handle of the vehicle at the edge of the kerb and sliding inside, not looking at him as I dive inside my bag for my phone.

'I'm ready.' The words fall from my lips, emotionless and to the point. Leo doesn't acknowledge me, but the engine roars to life and we're pulling away, back towards Chelsea.

My numerous complaints to Dad, even trying again this morning, have done nothing to help my case. He insists Leo is clean, Ian showing me the other men who were arrested from the restaurant, apparently more than the mere one I was told about. Leo fell in with the wrong crowd, Ian says. It was a 'mistake'. I'm not convinced, but until I figure out the best way to deal with him, I'm at a loss.

And so, Leo's been my driver for just over a month now. We haven't uttered more than fifty words to each other since the first night, despite Ian giving me a lecture, promising that if I see my car, he's the person who's sent it. Judging by the glare Leo gave me the next time I slid into the back seat, I can only assume he'd received a lecture from his new boss as well.

The thought was enough to make me smile, revelling in Leo's distress. He's pissed me off enough to experience the signature Dalton anger for a lifetime.

For now, I've settled for a silent relationship. He's a means to get from A to B, and to him, I'm the key to his damn wallet. Although he only appears to work for us half the week – the rest of it I get Ian.

Today isn't one of those days.

My white jumpsuit is as pristine as it was when I put it on this morning, and I pull a compact mirror out of my bag, grabbing my Charlotte Tilbury lip liner and tracing the outline that's faded.

Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I quickly look up at the rear-view mirror. Busted.

'Are you staring at me?'

'No.' Leo's eyes return to the road. His jaw is tensed.

'Good,' I retort, returning my attention to the job at hand, finishing my lips in time for Leo to pull up to a small hotel. He's around the side of the car, hauling the door open before I can undo my seat belt.

'I'll be a couple of hours,' I tell him.

He nods before stretching his arms out, the white shirt taut as he does so, my eyes taking in how big his arms are. Damn...

Shut up, Kate.

Silently, I whirl away, heading up the dark grey stairs.

I push the door open and enter the grey hotel lobby, instantly slamming into a familiar blonde and stumbling back.

'Mum!' I exclaim.

She doesn't reply, her eyes darting from me to the car behind.

'Who's that?' Ulrica asks, appearing over my mother's shoulder.

I cock my head, glancing behind to see Leo rearranging something in the boot, hanging around for longer than necessary.

'I've never seen him before. Katherine...' Mum is frowning at me.

'Seriously?' I mutter, looking between the two stern women. I can see the accusation in their bloody eyes. 'He's one of Dad's chauffeurs.' As if I would ever...

The instant exhalations of relief from both women are obvious, their shoulders dropping, light smiles filling their faces.

'Oh!' Mum titters with laughter before placing her hand on Ulrica's shoulder. 'Can you believe we were worried there?'

'Ridiculous,' I mutter in agreement. The thought of how fast word would have spread around the community over my perceived choice in partner fills me with nausea. I could imagine Leonora's expression, Florence's laughter, Ulrica's anger, my mother cringing. Nothing is worth that.

Ulrica laughs with her. 'He's just the chauffeur.'

I shake my head as they giggle, turning away, Katherine Dalton already forgotten.

Glancing over my shoulder, I watch as Leo slams the boot shut before dusting off his hands and heading to the driver's seat. I scoff as he drives away.

'Katherine!' The low hiss comes from Mum as she shoots daggers across the room, gesturing for me to follow as she and Ulrica leave the foyer. Sighing, I follow her further into the hotel.

By the time I get home that evening and slip off my heels, I'm shattered. But there's no rest for the wicked.

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