-> Pt. 7 Night Nags <-

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Before This Chapter Starts, I would just like to say thank you for all the support on this story, sorry it took me so long to get another chapter out. I've Been Very Busy. Thank You for your patience


It was late at night and Stanley had just got home from work, He Walked Slowly To His Bedroom To Get Changed, he hated how itchy and uncomfortable his work clothes are. Even With That, They Fired One Of Nicer Employees. There is barely any of these types of people there anymore. He finally got to his bedroom and got changed. He stopped his room from a few minutes after getting changed to look out opon the busy city roads. It was so calming and more relaxing then anything. You could just stand about here and watch the cars go by through the window.. but hunger snapped him back to reality. He didn't wanna go to bed on a empty stomach. So he stumbled to the kitchen which thankfully was the closest area to Stanley's bedroom.


On the other side of town, on the richer side of town, thom was putting on his nightgown to go to bed. He'd been tired all day. He got into bed. Though.. his mind was still running. Thinking about Stanley. No! No no no no no no no! Why was he thinking about Stanley now? Tonight? Not even a different day from any other! Why was he thinking about this now. He grabbed a pillow. Thinking of Stanley. He ended up falling asleep.. thinking that the pillow he was cuddling.. was Stanley.


Stanley was full. He had just finished eating the last bit of the muffins he baked yesterday. Lemon ones too! Lemon's reminded him of Thom's Eyes.. Bright Yellow. Stanley went and snuggled up into bed. Ready to see Thom tomorrow.

[307 Words]

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