🐻"You are good enough."🦊 Ship: Andrabel AndresxIsabel or Andrizzy AndresxIzzy

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Requested by: No one
Warning: Angst at the beginning but fluff at the end ( yeah I'm going to start using these now) and if there any parts in the story that you do not want to read, you may click off.


"Hey Izzy!" Andres exclaimed as he walked over to the tree where the red haired bear girl was sitting under.

He sat next to her as he continued, "Hi! So I have a question. Do you think it's possible if-"

He paused when he noticed that Izzy was quiet. He turned his head to see that she had her head down, and she was hugging her legs.

Andres got concerned. "Izzy? You ok? What's the matter?" He asked.

Izzy didn't respond. She just kept her head down, not making eye contact. Until, she finally lifted her head up, and Andres's eyes widened.

Izzy had tears streamed down her face. Not only that, but her glasses were foggy, but not quite enough so unfortunately, Andres saw poor Izzy's teary eyes.

"Oh my god, Izzy! Hey- Hey what's wrong? What happened?" Andres said very concerned.

Izzy took her glasses off and started to wipe her teary eyes. She sniffled as she said, "It's nothing."

"Izzy, you're literally crying right now. There's clearly something wrong. Did someone hurt you? Did-" Andres said before Izzy cut him off.

"I told you it's nothing!" She snapped back before turning her head away from him.

Just then, Andres and Izzy noticed a group of three girls who they knew all too well walk right past them.

One of the girls, who had cinnamon colored hair, took a glance at the two and then started to whisper something to her other friends and then the three of them began laughing as they walked away. (Yeah these girls are gonna come up a lot more throughout this book. I'll explain their names and who they are later tho. Now back to the story).

Andres looked back at Izzy and asked, "It was those three, wasn't it?"

Izzy nodded in reply.

"What did they do?" Andres asked in a serious tone.

Izzy exclaimed back, "It's nothing. I don't even care anymore!" As she turned her head away from him.

"Izzy," Andres said calmly as he put his hand on her shoulder and gave her pleading eyes, "Would you just tell me? Please?"

Izzy sighed, "Fine." She turned to her head to look at him as she continued, "They were annoying the hell out of me. Making fun of me as usual. At first, I just ignored it until...they brought up my mom."

Andres's eyes widened. He was starting to get furious but he held it back. This wasn't the time.

Izzy went on, "They were saying..."


"Well Izzy, If you're so annoyed with us then why don't you just complain to your mom about us? She probably could help. Oh wait, I forgot! She left you."

"Imagine your own mother decides to abandon you because you have some disease!"

"I was so angry. I was going to shout something back at them when she (the cinnamon hair girl) said,"

"It must be sad really, not being good enough for your own mom, truly sad."

"When she said that, something inside me...broke. I just stood there and then, I started running as I heard them laughing behind me. I don't know why I ran I just did. I ran for a while until I ended up here." A single tear fell out of each of her eyes as she finished

Now Andres was even more furious. He still held it in, but not as good as before. But right now, he was focusing on Izzy. He felt horrible for her. He always saw her as a tough, smart, and confident person, and seeing her like this broke his heart.

"Izzy, I'm so sorry." Andres said as he saw her tears and proceeded to gently grab her face and wiped the tears off with his thumbs. "You shouldn't listen to them. They're just jerks, BIG jerks."

Izzy replied, "But...What if they have a point?" As she looked down at the ground, "My freaking eczema is the reason my mom left! It's the reason why everybody views me differently! It's the reason why my own mom thought I was ugly! It's probably the reason why I wasn't good enough for her-" Andres had cut her off. He had enough.

"Izzy, Enough!" He said loudly as he put both his hands on her shoulders to face her. He looked at her, She looked at him.

He continued, "I'm sorry, it's just I don't want you to ever talk about yourself like that. Ever."

Izzy was shocked. She had no idea that Andres cared this much for her. I mean, they were best friends and of course, best friends care for each other, but she never expected him to care this much.

Andres went on, "What those girls said was complete bull crap, and secondly, they have no right to bring that up around you. And thirdly, you are an amazing person and friend and your eczema don't change anything! And they have the audacity to say you're not good enough? Well, they must've forgotten that you have a very loving father, am I right?

Izzy replied, "Yes."

"And has he ever, once in your whole life, ever treated you differently just because of your eczema or has he loved you always for who you are?"

"He's loved me for who I am."

"Exactly! So you're good enough for your dad. And what about Emmie, Cynthia, Nick, and the others? Have they've treated you differently because of your eczema of have they loved you for who you were?"

"They've loved me for who I was."

"Right! So you're good enough for them. And..."

Andres stop for a second as he grabbed both of Izzy's hands.

"You're good enough for me. Your eczema changes nothing about you. I've always loved you for the person you are, always."

A bit of blush formed on Izzy's face as she looked at him. She was taken aback. However, when Andres realized what he said, a lot of blushed formed on his face.

"I-I meant as in a friend way! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound weird, I-I meant I loved you for who you are as a friend! Yeah, That's what I was trying to say! hehe..." Andres stammered as he laughed nervously.

Izzy giggled, "It's fine Andres, I understood what you meant." She paused for a moment and then wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug. "Thank you, for everything that you said. I really needed that. You're an amazing friend too."

Andres was surprised by this, but wasted no time in returning the embrace and saying, "No problem Izzy, That's what friends are for. To always be there to help, and if I wasn't such a gentlemen, I'd give that girl a piece of my mind."

Izzy laughed at that. "What? I would if I could." Andres said as she let go of him. "Hey look, your smile is back." He continued as Izzy rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Doofus." She said as she playfully shoved Andres which made him laugh and they both smiled as they sat under the tree, waiting for break to be over.

The end.


I wonder if Andres really meant that what he said was in a "friend way" and if is Izzy really understood what he meant 😉

And Andres never got to ask his question 🥲

Oh well

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and those girls who I was talking about. I'll introduce them in the next chapter goodbye for now!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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