Chapter 6

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Copia was amazed to see Irene waiting for her in his office when he got there. She was sitting reclined in his seat behind the desk, papers in each hand as she went over them. The serious and focused expression, flicking from paper to paper as she picks up a new sheet, slightly unnerved him and he didn't know why.

“Do you just go through the stacks as they are?” She asks, not looking up.

“Usually, si. Why?” He closes the door behind him, turning the lock and walking over.

“No wonder you’re so stressed. Not only are most of these out of order date wise, but haven’t you noticed how you’ve got several duplicates in different piles? And seriously! Why are you doing the work of the other Cardinals? Everett, Jascon, Prewett. Howell. How is any of this right or fair?”


Irene sets the papers down and looks over at him, annoyance reflected in her eyes. “Have you truly not noticed?”

He feels his cheeks heat up and he turns away from her gaze, reaching up to rub the back of his neck nervously. “N-not really.. I just do what’s given to me.”

Her gaze softens and she sighs lightly. "That needs to change, hun. These other assholes are using you to clear their workloads. It's not fair to you."

"They have seniority over me, though. It's not like I can just march up to them and give them back their paperwork."

"That's exactly what you need to do.  Nip this in the bud before they get too comfortable walking all over you more than they already do. You also need an assistant. Every Cardinal is assigned one, so why not you?"

“I… I do not know,” he sighs, taking a seat on the opposite side of the desk, looking at the paper strewn surface to avoid her gaze. She shifts through more of the papers, sorting through the stacks.

“Well. Consider me hired.”

His head snaps up and he looks at her with confusion. “Eh?”

“You need an assistant. I’m tired of most of my classes. Most are remedial that I’ve already taken and could pass in my sleep, so say hello to your new assistant,” she smiles brightly to him.

“It…it does not work that way, cara.”

“It does, if you tell Imperator you’ve hired me. See,” she stands and rounds the desk, gently easing herself to sit on his lap as a light blush spreads over his cheeks at her actions. “Cardinals can either be assigned an assistant or request who they want as an one. The sibling chosen can refuse, of course, but typically they don’t. So I’m here, volunteering. Unless you truly don’t want the help?”

Copia wraps his arms lightly around her waist and sighs as he thinks about it. He’s been so overworked, and obviously missing out on some details regarding the paperwork such as the duplicates even if they are finished to perfection. And having someone to help him would make it go faster. Plus he knew her, and deep down he knew he would love the extra time spent with her.

“Who’s to say you wouldn’t simply be a distraction, hmm?” He says with a smile as he looks at her once more.

“Me? A distraction?” Irene gives a look of mock anger before her mouth widens in a playful grin as she leans forward to place a kiss to his nose. “Only if you wanted me to be.”

“What would Imperator think? What about Terzo? After his threat today, to have you now work for me?”

“Leave Terz to me. If he comes after you again, you let me know. Okay? I can only turn a man down so many times before it starts pissing me off, and after that stunt today he’s on my shit list.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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