Robots?! and Prison Free

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It was now November 15th, 2013, and it's been a year since David had been taken to jail, and Harley looked outside the window from inside the kitchen.

She noticed it was about to start raining. She heard Abigail complain about being stuck indoors all the time when she wanted to go outside and play.

"It's gonna start raining soon," Harley says to her daughter.

Abigail groaned and went to sit on the couch. She hated being indoors all the time.

Harley chuckled at her.

Her daughter huffed as she turned the TV on and watched a Disney movie.

The woman sat down with her.

They were watching Camp Rock on Disney Channel.

Harley made some popcorn.

Abigail was giggling at some funny things in the movie.

"Abigail, popcorn," Harley called.

"Yay!" Abigail cheered as she went to the kitchen to get the popcorn bowl so she can finish watching the movie.

Harley held onto the bowl, walking to the living room.

The little girl followed her mother. She climbed the couch and snuggled into Kona's fur.

Kona was napping.

Abigail wondered when her uncle would visit them.

She looked around.

She wondered where Chewie and Mila were at.

The two walked over to where she was.

Abigail paid attention to the movie as she ate some popcorn and giggled.

The two sat on the ground.

The little girl whined when breaking news interrupted the movie.

Her mother rubbed her arm and listened.

"The Autobots are being sent off Earth and are going to be sent back to wherever they came from," said a spokesperson as the camera zoomed in on the giant robots being escorted to a giant ship.

Harley froze.

Abigail sat up quickly. She watched as the same robot she had seen two years ago be escorted with another robot; this one being a golden yellow color with fins on both sides of his head.

A group of humans talked to them.

A giant metal dog was snarling as he followed the others to the ship. He was saying some things in a language that Abigail understood, but didn't know what the language was called.

 He was saying some things in a language that Abigail understood, but didn't know what the language was called

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Harley put a hand on her daughter's back.

"A giant doggie?" she asked herself as she noticed her pets were all watching the television.

I Found an Autobot in my Barn (Rewrite!)Where stories live. Discover now