Separated by death.

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I met Cedric Diggory during our fourth year at Hogwarts. He was the charming Hufflepuff Seeker with a smile that could light up the entire Quidditch pitch. We quickly became friends, bonding over our love for Quidditch and our mutual respect for each other's houses.

As we progressed through our years at Hogwarts, Cedric and I remained close. We would often spend our free time exploring the castle grounds or engaging in friendly duels. But our friendship was put to the test during the Triwizard Tournament.

Cedric was chosen to represent Hogwarts, and I watched from the stands as he competed in the dangerous challenges. I remember feeling both proud and worried for him, knowing that the Tournament was no easy feat. But Cedric persevered, and in the end, he was declared the winner.

However, our happiness was short-lived. As we made our way back to the Hogwarts grounds, Cedric and I were suddenly separated by death. It happened so quickly, and I was left reeling with shock and grief.

In the days and weeks that followed, I struggled to come to terms with Cedric's untimely death. I felt a deep sense of loss, not just for my friend, but for the future that we could have had together. We would never get to graduate from Hogwarts, or laugh together at reunions.

But as time passed, I began to see Cedric's death in a different light. I realized that, in his own way, Cedric had taught me a valuable lesson about life. He had shown me that, no matter how short our time on this earth may be, it's important to make the most of it.

Years later, as I sat by Cedric's grave in the Hogwarts cemetery, I felt a sense of peace. Though we were separated by death, Cedric's memory lived on in my heart. And I knew that he would always be with me, guiding me through life's challenges and reminding me to live every moment to the fullest.

One day, while walking through the Forbidden Forest, I stumbled upon a peculiar creature. It was a small, shimmering creature that looked like it was made out of stars. As I approached it, the creature looked up at me with big, bright eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked the creature.

"I'm a memory keeper," the creature replied in a soft, musical voice. "I keep the memories of those who have passed on, so that they may never be forgotten."

Suddenly, I thought of Cedric. "Can you keep the memories of my friend Cedric?" I asked the memory keeper.

The creature nodded, and I closed my eyes. I thought of Cedric's smile, his laughter, and the way he would always make me feel better when I was down. I thought of all the good times we had shared together, and the lessons he had taught me about life.

When I opened my eyes, the memory keeper was gone. But I could feel Cedric's presence all around me, as if he was watching over me. And I knew that, even though we were separated by death, our friendship would never truly end.

From that day on, I would often visit the memory keeper in the Forbidden Forest, sharing new memories of Cedric with the shimmering creature. And I knew that, as long as the memory keeper existed, Cedric's memory would never fade away.

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