Almost 100k Special!!

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Thank you guys so much for almost 100k reads. I LOVE YALL!!!

Y/n and Cedric have dated basically for a year, and they've Brocken up 4 times in total.

Don't get them wrong, they loved each other dearly, but they just didn't communicate when something bothered them and struggled with the fact that they didn't know each other completely.

"Y/n what's your problem?" Cedric asked stopping y/n in her tracks making her roll her eyes "Are you seriously asking me what's my problem? What's YOUR problem? I told you I don't like you hanging out with Sarah when am not there!" Y/n said slightly pushing Cedric away.

"Why are you so mad about me hanging out with Sarah? We're just friends?" Cedric asked in a nonchalant tone making y/n even more annoyed "You might consider her as a 'friend' but I know for a fact that she wants to be more than friends with you!" Y/n said raising her voice while covering her face with her hands in frustration.

"Are you some kind of mind reader? You're saying nonsense!" Cedric said starting to also get frustrated "No but am a girl. I know her intentions believe me" Y/n said crossing her arms while looking down at Cedric who had sat in the sofa.

"Look am sorry even though I dont see anything wrong with what I did" Cedric said wrapping his hands around y/n's waist "Don't, don't touch me" Y/n said walking away while her hand went through her hair. She couldn't understand how oblivious he was.

"Cedric. Clearly you don't understand me and I don't understand you. I think-" Y/n began to say but got cut off "No. We are not breaking up again." Cedric said quickly standing up walking towards y/n making her fix her posture to look at him right in the eye.

"You and I were made of glass, we'd never last." Y/n said softly as she caressed his cheek "I know, I know" Cedric said smiling sadly while pulling y/n into a hug.

"Is this really what you want?" Cedric asked with tears threatening to fall "Yes" Y/n said hugging him tighter.

"Fine, but promise me we'll have a chapter with a good ending in the future" Cedric asked with teary eyes "I don't know" Y/n said pulling away from the hug and kissing his cheek "See you  around" Y/n said while taking of their promise ring and putting it on the nightstand making Cedric finally tear up.

I hope u guys enjoyed this cause I didn't☺️

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