Chapter 11 - Cheaters Never Prosper

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Allison's POV
The Devils' first game of the season is against Montreal and I'm honestly kind of dreading it. I obviously still live with Jack and he's inviting Cole to stay over while he's in Newark.

Seeing Cole always puts butterflies in my stomach, but I never tell Ethan that. I was hoping to avoid going to the Devils versus Canadiens game, but Ethan is a huge Habs fan and Jack got us tickets.

I'm still surprised that my brother had given Ethan the tickets considering how much he hates him.

After the game, I go down to the locker rooms with Ethan per Jack's request. Jack comes out to greet me and gives me a hug. He doesn't look extremely happy to see Ethan, but gives him a handshake to be nice.

"Great game tonight, bro." I say with a smile. Jack nods.

"Thanks sis. Cole's coming out soon if you want to see him,"

"No, um, that's okay. We should probably..."

I don't finish my sentence because Cole walks out of the visitor locker room.

"Allison, it's good to see you again. How are you?" He says, giving me a hug. I smile awkwardly.

"I'm good. How about you?"


"That's good. Cole, this is Ethan. My boyfriend," I say. Cole shakes Ethan's hand and Ethan smiles.

"It's nice to meet you, Cole. I'm a big fan,"

"Cool. It's nice to see a Canadiens fan down here in New Jersey," Cole says.

When Cole talks to Ethan, I can see something in his eyes that says he doesn't like him whatsoever, but Ethan obviously doesn't realize it.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. Go Habs!" Ethan shouts as we walk away.

"Yeah. Bye Allison!" Cole calls. I look back at him and wave good bye.

I wonder when he started calling me Allison. I always told him to call me Allie.

Ethan takes me home and I ask him about going out on a date tomorrow night.

"I have to work late tomorrow night. Rain check?" Ethan asks. I sigh and nod.

"Sure. Love you. I'll see you Saturday,"

"Okay. See you Saturday," Ethan says, giving me a kiss on the lips.

Ethan leaves and it bothers me that he never said that he loved me. I shake it off and lay down on the couch.

As I lay there, I think about surprising Ethan at work tomorrow. I'm sure he'd love it. He always complains about never having a good home cooked meal for dinner.


The next day, I go to the Newark Police police department to bring Ethan some dinner.

I walk up to the front desk to request him.

"Hi. I'm looking for Ethan Trent. He's my boyfriend," I say. The sergeant at the front desk frowns.

"Officer Trent left over two hours ago," he replies.

"What? That doesn't seem right. Well, thank you for telling me. Bye," I mutter.

Why would Ethan lie to me? He never lies to me. I guess the only thing left to do is go back to his apartment and confront him about it.

I pull up to his apartment complex and go up to his apartment. I knock on his door and he answers. The smile he had fades when he sees me.

"Allie, what are you doing here?"

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