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In front of you, Aya's grandma held her hands steady on the steering wheel. Her cheeks were stretched in an eternal smile, eyes wrinkled from joy. Despite having lived for so long, her lifting words made it known she would not be slowing down any time soon.

Before Aya and you had become so close, she would hide behind her parents, staring at you. Of course, you always noticed. You assumed she would talk to you if she wanted, so you never went up to her.

On a rainy day, Chidori Teieri had made warm tea. She offered you the steaming beverage. The steam had hugged your face when you attempted to drink it by yourself. The steam bothered you. God, it even made you tear up. Your barely five-year-old self almost cried because of some steam.

Chidori handed you a tissue. "My dear, why are you crying?"

Your chubby hands shakily lowered the cup. You blew your nose loudly, water receding from the surface of your eyes. "I...I don't know."

"It's okay to not know why you're crying," Aya's grandma had comforted. Aya then came bumbling in. Tuffs of vivid hair stuck out in puffs between her grandma's arms, which she used as a hiding space. "See, sometimes, all we need is a friend to comfort us no matter what."

"B-But Mommy and Daddy are away a-and I don't h-have any friends h-here..."

Chidori lifted Aya from her arms. "Don't be silly. My lovely grand-daughter here would love to be your friend."

"I d-don't know her n-name...how could I b-be her friend?"

Then, Aya removed herself from Chidori's embrace and crossed the table, somewhat waddling towards me. The crease between her eyebrows undoubtfully gave away her nerves, but she puffed up her chest, posting her hands on her hips. "It's okay. I don't know your name either! But we can learn! Then we can be friends after that!"


"Of course!"

"Oh...I would like to be your friend, please." Little you's hand hastily rubbed away the condensation on your eyelashes, quickly inhaling through your blocked nose.

Aya's terribly-hidden frown evaporated, leaving behind an elated grin. All of her teeth blinded you as she beamed, eyebrows shot up like a magnet yanked on it. "Really?? What's your name???"

"I'm L/N, but I think friends have to call each other their first name. You have to call me Y/N, or else you're basically saying I'm not your friend."

Aya's hands clasped on to mine, bouncing on her toes. "Okay okay okay okay okay!" Which each 'okay,' her voice pitched higher. "Then you have to call me Aya!"

"What's your last name?"

"It doesn't matter, cuz you'll never have to call me that!"

You had giggled. "Okay, Aya."

"We are best friends now! Right?"

You jumped off your seat, squealing. "Yes yes yes!"

Chidori's eyes reflected the two of you skipping off into the living room, hand in hand. She bought the warm tea to her mouth, sipping it. Aya's grandma always had a knack for knowing what to say and how to say it. After all, how else did you befriend Aya?

Now, your head was confined by a bucket hat, folds sagging over your eyes. Shades reflected the minimal light shining through the tinted car door, a blue mask covering your face. "I will never cease to feel sorrow whenever I see your need to cover your face."

A sad smile grew on your face, even though Chidori couldn't see it. "I know. But oh well, there's not much I can do about it as of now."

"The people of this world are cruel."

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