chapter 26: the corridor (Baylee)

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Part 2:

Inside my stylist room, I wince whenever Henderson touches my leg, I can barley move it. Its the most painful thing Ive ever encountered, and I once had a lip filling, that was painful.

Baylee, babe, I cant get you ready if you dont take of the fucking blanket, do you have attachment issues or something to a blanket! he yelled after trying to take it off for about 10 minutes. What was I going to tell him, no I dont have issues I was stabbed in the leg with scissors at night when I left my cage to go talk to another competitor!

uhm, I just scraped it last night, and the blanket helps with them pain. I responded, trying to sound truthful. He just nodded and handed me an Easter egg, gesturing for me to eat. aww thanks hendo, your so sweet, ill miss you! then it hit me, as I placed the egg in my mouth, he ripped off the blanket, exposing the wound to the freezing air of the room. Lucky, he made me eat the egg, because if I didnt have it in my mouth, it wouldnt off muffle the scream of pain.

sorry babe, I needed to do th-A-A-A-at, holy shit, girl, your leg its

deformed, retarted, warped?

no, its horrible, you squirting blood!

oh-my-god? Still?

medic? Someone get a medic! Henderson yelled before passing out on the floor. I just calmly placed the blanket back over the cut.

Once they got my leg all stitched up and got me ready, I said a very emotional goodbye to Henderson, and was escorted by 2 guards towards that dark hallway. With one last wave goodbye to Henderson, I walked into the door, greeted by darkness.

AHHHH! a scream flowed down the corridor and stopped at my ears. I stopped in my tracks. I couldnt go any further into the hallway.

It was a scream Ive heard before, someone close to me.

no, no, no, please, let me go, please! I couldnt see them but I could tell that they were crying, I could hear their pain.

miss Tyson, please, just let us help you! said a guard. Tyson? Oh no, Chrystal! She sounded like she was in danger!

let go, you bitch! Dont dare come close to me with that thing!

girls, hold her down! came the guards voice, miss Tyson if you do not co-operate, we will not let you participate in the competition-

Screams were heard as the guard was cut off from her sentence.

good, fuck you! Chrystal screamed at the top of her lungs. She was brave!

Miss Tyson! Let me finish you basted! I was going to say, that we will not let you participate in the competition because will kill you in this room instead of letting you have a chance of victory!

One final scream was heard, then silence.

uhm, miss guard lady? I dont want to go in, let me go back, please! I asked her very nicely, if Chrystal was in danger, who knows whats happened, what will they do to me. The two guards dont slip a peep, but they do pick me up and carry me down the hallway!

dude! You couldve asked and I wouldve walked, actually, no I probably wouldntve, yeah, this was a good call! I knew there was no point complaining because I knew that they wouldnt listen.

hey, thats my good knee! I shout as the guards throw me into a very bright room, making me land on my good knee.

Baylee! a familiar voice rings though my ears, Im here to let you sleep, so you can be transported to the competition! Mallis!

omg, hi Mallis, you have no idea how happy I am to see you! I stumbled over and gave him a hug.

now before I put you to sleep, you know your friend or ally Chrystal Tyson?

yeah of course I do, shes quite sweet, I wont lie

yeah, well, I think you may want to sit down for this, he gestured to the table in the middle of the room. that sweet girl is actually, how do I put it, psychotic. I just stared at him in absolute disbelieve. so, during her interview when I whispered to her, I told her that she looked stunning and I complemented her outfit, without wanting her to be too embarrassed by the audience. And she took it as offensive I think. Then during half time, I went into her room to check on her, because she didnt seem like she was okay on stage. And I walked in and she locked the door, threw me on the couch. A tear shed from Mallis eye, he seemed so distraught. I felt so bad for him, and so angry at Chrystal, how dare she! and she rapped me! tears pouring down his perfect looking face. I just put my arm around Mallis to comfort him.

its okay, Ill kill her, get justice for you! I stated.

thank you so much, okay! he said as he wiped tears from his eyes, you ready? I nodded and laid down on the table, the needle penetrating my skin. Sleep hit me in the face immediately!

dont worry Mallis, Ill help you by killing her! I drunkenly said as I dozed off.

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