The wolf pack

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Wine pov
l open my eyes, l notice that l have paws ,
long mouth and a sensitive nose. Yes the witch did it
I was so happy that am getting what l wanted. Only for 50 nights l heard that voice in my head,l was ready for my revenge
I track down the scent of wolves and follow it
Later , l saw a whole pack of wolves having a meeting
I got scared, what if they notice me ?
No time to be brave ,l said to myself
I raised my head, walk with a strong heart
When they notice me , l tried to turn back but it was too late the alpha had already notice me
A red wolf , is that possible he said.
We have a white,black,browns and light orange
I think red is possible said the eldest of the wolves
My name is Wine ,am a lonely wolf l have come here with a request
What is your request my child said the eldest
I want to join your pack, humans have killed my family , l have no where else to go.
She can't stay with us , we cannot trust her said the eldest son Obed
Why not ,she is alone , looks like she is kind and hardworking we should give her a chance said the eldest of the wolves
Hmmm, l don't know let's consult the council
And see what we will do with you said the alpha
I got scared,l have come a long way to fail
The council went into a cave and I was escort to stay somewhere else and wait for my judgement
When it got darker ,I saw my escort taking me back to the council
We have decided to let you stay but only on one condition you have to learn our way of life in order to stay here. I accept your condition but l have a problem of my own. I cannot see in the day time
Because of the light,is only at night that can see well
She lies ,what kind of wolf cannot see at day the eldest son shouted
Silence the alpha said , if you cannot see at day then fine by us we will grant you a cave to sleep in .
My son Austin will be your guide, he will help you with our way of life. When Austin appeared my heart was filled with rage 😡 you are the one who took my precious parents from me l said in my heart
Austin was a dark wolf ,a strong one and my prey to consume.

Wine(girl by day wolf by night)Where stories live. Discover now