Eternity ♾♾

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Wine pov
I woke up in a white world 🌎
I saw my mom and my dad waving me and saying goodbye ,l cried and said bye
Then l saw Austin crying
When l looked up l saw a wolf bigger than the biggest mountain on earth
She was pure white ,she smiled at me.
You have put your revenge aside and let love lead l shall grant you what your heart desires .she said
I wanted to say,my parents life back on earth
But a voice shouted even louder than mine
A second chance on earth as a wolf
She smiled and said your wish has been granted
Because is true and is a wish from your heart she said
I thanked the wolf goddess and when l open my eyes
Austin,the new alpha was there in front of me
Hi there ,
The love of my life
He said
Will you be my mate for life?
He asked and l said yes
All the wolves howl and l did too for my new alpha
Soon l got pregnant with three pups 🐶
One looked pure black like Austin
The next one pure red like me and the last
Red and black like both of us
My love Austin said
Am sorry for killing your parents
My uncle made me
I understand, l forgive you
I said
True love is there for everyone
That special person can be your parents, friends,guardians, children,your husband,your wife
Anyone who loves you no matter what
That person is worth holding on to
And for those who wants to go let them go, grab the ones that want to stay
You only live once, so live your life to the fullest of your heart ❤️.

              The end

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