resurrection (part2)

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Waoh!!! Predicted the future......

The juniors showed in the simulation

Shut up jingYi.....

Well sorry i couldn't control my self young mistress......

Should we calm down u two.....

Shizui is right guys calm down......

But they didn't and kept on fighting and the people there couldn't do anything still believing it's a pre recording......

Soon wei wuxian had enough and shouted without thinking.....can u all be quite and stop fighting.....

This caused them to shut up and they said in union.....sorry daiju/senior wei.....

Making the people in the simulation to look at them and jingYi said.....shit....
*A moment of silence later*
So mind telling us what all this is.....nei mingjue asked seeing as the kids were looking at each other nervously ling started but couldn't proceed further so he elbowed jingYi to say something

Oww......ok ok well u all see we.....aaaa......we......zizhen will explain......and pulled the said boy infront

Ha😱! will explain.....

Smiling nervously seeing as they aren't going to say anything and he is the one who has to tell them shizui said......we r sorry for lying we did wanted to tell u all everything as was asked from us by ur future selfs but then.....

But then......he was cut off by jin ling..... jingYi thought it would be a nice idea to see u all's reaction when we talk to u.......

Hey it wasn't only me.....jingyi interrupted.......u and zizhen also wanted to their and their future selfs reaction when they know the truth and how we were able to fool the greatest of their generation.......

Don't drag me in it......zizhen said nervously

U were a part of it as well.......both jingyi and jin ling shouted at him causing him to hide behind wei wuxian on instincts

Ok ok u all......enough....or i might fall......wei wuxian said seeing as he might fall with the three chasing each other with him in center

Sorry senior wei......all the 4 said in union

This caused giggles from the background.......(guess from whom)

U do know that u won't fall right......jin ling asked wei wuxian

Ha! What do u mean......

We r just a simulation senior wei even if we try to touch u we won't be able to......zizhen said now behind shizui realizing the same as he said

Many 'oohhhs' were heard after that

Umm should we start the reaction again.....shizui asked

We still have some questions......nei huaisang said

We can answer a few questions i guess.....jingyi said

Is this going to show us everything from the future as we don't know how young master wei became the yilling patriarch.....lan xichen asked

Yes it will and you all will know that later......

Why r we here if the wen clan is no longer there......wen qing asked

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