dafan mountain......(part 3....)

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Not even half a inhance later they saw a small glow in front which caused them all to be on guard

They saw one of the four boys they talked to of the future who was seen and it did not looked like this was a simulation either

He whined with a scared and distressed face and said

I'm in trouble.....

Ur jingyi right......wei wuxian said remembering how he teased jiang cheng saying this was his kid

Umm yes I'm lan jingyi senior wei.....just call me jingyi or a-yi though.....he said looking a little nervous

U aren't a simulation right.....nei huaisang asked

Will u believe if i say yes.....u know as lan's don't lie.....

The look everyone was giving him told him what they thought


U aren't anything like a lan.....jin zixuan said seeing how he was behaving

Well yes of course I'm not..... everyone says I'm like senior wei born in lan clan......jingyi said rather proud

That can be seen.....jiang Cheng said eyeing him and then his brother seeing just how much is true

What's that suppose to mean.....both (jinyi and wei wuxian) asked

Which got them amused/annoyed look from everyone

Clearing his throat, to get attention, lan xichen said.....how exactly are you here young master......

Never....jingyi shouted

What......lan xichen said confused

Never ever call me young master.....plz it feels so so weird to hear u call me so......

How exactly are u here jingyi......nei mingjue asked

Oh....well i might or might have not touched the tailsman from out seeing it glow and well.....heheee....

How r u a lan.....jin zixuan asked

Cause my father is one.....

I give up......

This made wei wuxian laugh seeing jin zixuan 'im done' face

So ur going to stay here or u know how to go back.....wen qing asked

I don't know how to go back so I'm staying here till the others come here or someone comes to get me.....

U'll tell us something if we ask.....wei wuxian asked



I'm not.....

U aren't answering my question.....

What fun will it be to watch if i tell u all everything.....

Do u even know everything.....

After u came to life all and parts of what happened 13 years ago.....

Tell something.....


One thing plz.....

We juniors love u....

That wasn't.....

But wei wuxian was interrupted by clearing of throat which made them both turn around realizing that they were never alone from start

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