Sneaking in the house

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'Keep going,if you still want to get in your house without being seen, we have to leave now.'said  Maxim. Lia and Maxim quickly went to Lia's house 'Support?'  he asked 'yes', she said. He pushed her up and she crawled through her window. She gave him another kiss "Be careful that they don't see you." "Always, princess," he said with a smile.  "I hate you!" "I love you too!" and she closed her window. She watched as Maxim carefully snuck away from the grounds.  She went back to sleep for an hour.

After waking up, she went to the dining room "Good morning!"  Lia said.  'Good morning!' everyone said. She sat down at the breakfast table 'When are you leaving?'Floris, her brother, asked.' I have to leave in half an hour," their dad, Mark said.  "Where are you going to?"  she asked.' Tarrin' 'For how long?' asked Madelyn, her little sister '3 weeks, I'm going to call a lot.'  her dad said.  Lia had breakfast with the others and their dad left after 30 minutes.

"How is Maxim?"  Floris asked when the door closed. 'How do you know?'  she asked, "I've seen you come home."  he said 'Everyone knows, right?' Madelyn asked. Dad doesn't know I'm with Maxim, but normally no one should know that sometimes I leave with Maxim in the morning.  So you can't say anything to anyone else.'  said Lia.' Lying?' Madelyn asked. No, you don't lie. You just don't say anything.'  said Liandra. 5 minutes later their mom, Althea came back from the market.

In the afternoon, Lia was studying again when a knock was on her door.  "Yes?" she asked and Maxim came in.'What are you doing here?' she asked surprised. "I wanted to see you," he said. "Hmmm, It's been so long, of course!" she said smiling and she closed the door.' Yes, too long  actually.' he said.'Did you also get an invitation to the Stewerts' party?' he asked.' Yes, we go. You guys?' she asked.' Yes' he said.

'Shouldn't you learn chemistry?'  she asked.'You know I hate chemistry!' he said.'In other words, you're not going to learn.' she said.'I  happen to be sitting next to someone smart in  chemistry.' he said.' They're  going  to figure it out  if you keep looking at my test.' said Lia.'Not Mr. Odhams, he's always too busy with his  hair.' said Maxim   .'I won't explain it to your parents if you get caught," Lia said.'You don't need to!'.

Sorry if there are faults, English isn't my native language.

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