No school trip

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Marie came over to drop something off since Lia would have to take lessons from home.' Hasn't anything happened between the two of you yet?' she asked curiously as they went to her room.'Maybe...' 'Liandra!' "Yes, We've kissed a few times. Just now...' "Here? Where your moms can see you?!' "We did make sure they couldn't see us." Liandra said and then Marie had to leave. Liandra went out again but got tired a moment later. 'Wouldn't you better be off resting?' Luis asked while he was busy with Madelyn. "That's going to be boring, you know that?" she asked, "Your body is still exhausted!" said Althea.'But not mentally' she said. She slowed down and took a shower a moment later. She just sat on her bed and fell asleep.

Luis had gotten super sick in the night. He turned pale, couldn't sleep, was in pain everywhere, and on top of that he had to gag continuously. Mia didn't trust it and took him to the hospital. They did all possible tests and were finally able to give him something after a few hours that made him stop gagging. His throat ached which was expected. They gave him something that would make him sleep for a while. They did all kinds of tests and examinations while he slept. They received results and it could be inferred that he was infected by someone who had an infectious disease. "He's only been to school and with friends, but we have to watch out for their daughter in poor health," Mia told the doctor. 'Does she often have to come to the hospital to see if she doesn't get or have any diseases?' "Yes, they were here at the beginning of this week and she had nothing."

"Then she's already safe, it's in you for a while before it really makes you sick. She can't have gotten it. It's only contagious the first few days you've gotten it.'. Mia called Althea in the morning.'You are not in the hospital once but now I am here.' "Why, what's going on?" "Luis got sick last night and it was so bad that we're in the hospital." "How is he now?" "He's asleep now, they've had to give him a strong sleep aid but he's asleep. He got an illness from probably a classmate but, the doctor says he didn't give it to Lia since they didn't say anything the last time you were in the hospital.'" They called and put down. Luis woke up, "Are you getting better?" she asked 'Little', he said, but by the evening he could go home.' Bed in!' Mia said.' Yes, I'm already on my way," he said, and he immediately crawled into his bed. He looked at his phone again for the first time and saw that Liandra had sent a message.

How are you doing? -Lia

Ca va, I look exactly like a drug addict. -Louse

You're exaggerating surely? -Lia

No, I'm not exaggerating. -Louse

Hmmm... - Lia

He slept for a while and he gradually started to get better after a few days. He was back to normal after a week, it was a school trip. Lia had a whole day to catch up on schoolwork. She had started early and in the afternoon Mia and Luis came over. He didn't have to go on the school trip so he was also at home.'Lia is in her room' Althea said to Luis 'She's learning?' "She's been busy since 9 am," Althea said, and he went to her room. He knocked 'Yes?' she asked and he went in.

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