"Stupid, stupid, stupid.... aggggh " i am so angry its not even funny my family held me up at the airport in Namibia and i forgot to fill in my forms. The time i should have been using to fill those forms in i was cormforting my crying mother because well its not every day that someone from namibia gets execped in the university of LA.
It was a bittersweet moment, but all is good i just have to find this freakin deans office then i am good to go.I am so greatfull i got a of compus apartment because damn where the hell would i have begin. But anywho the deans office.
" why would they make a map of the compus without arrowns and shit?" I grumple as i turn in circles while turing the map." because maybe the map comes with directions" a musculan voice said from next to me
" hahaha" i laughed sarcastically " thank you very much for your help. I seriously didn't see that." I continued. I looked up to see who i am talking to coz your gal dont like talking to vioces i need a face. And what a face i got, blue eyes. Kind of bronze skin tone, sharp jawline, straight nose but kind of crooked at the bridge thick lips but not over the top thick i like that would not swallow my face. I get a glimps of shoulders and look down he has big shoulder he must be in sports with think arms and do i see tattoes on his arms i squinted my eyes and yep its tattoes this guy just gets better and better and lets not talk about his legs. When i get to his air forces i snap my eyes back to his and hear a breath hitch from him. I mean he is the definition of tall dark and hansome standing at 6ft3 or 4. I liky.
I look away becouse i like my panties were they are and they not even cute to be honest.
" Do you know where the office is? I asked with the softest voice i have ever spoken. Well i mean my voice is soft and valvety but damn bitch what the fudge.
" leme show you" he said with a chuckle. I could not even be mad he is laughing because i was just about to cuss someone out now i am an angel. We walked down the white corridor that you guessed looks exactly as the same as the one i was in now. People don't seem to know lables this side coz were am from everything is lable with the picture and the words." I am Lana by the way" i indroduce myself. I would like to know atleast someone here besides my tour guide and mantor Giselle, well she is a friend i made online a year ago so she is like my bestfriend.
" Devion" he said
" you don't talk?
"Huh. Here. Tell scott i said hey" devion said and walked away leaving me infront of double doors that are thankfully lable as office.
"Ooky. Thanks i guess" i whispered. I was really disappointed i thought i made a friend but better luck next time i guess.
" hey. Lana DeRosa, i am here to pick up my schedule and hand in my forms" i said once i walked in and saw a pretty blonde older lady sitting infront of a desk.
" oooh hey Ms DeRosa are u the exchange student??"
" uhm yes ma'am"
"Oh just sit down there Mr scott will see you in a minute"
" Thanks Ms....penny" i replied after i read her name tag. I sit at the uncomfortable looking chairs she point at
She is a older white lady maybe in her late 30's or early 40 but you can never be too sure with this people. She has blond hair and the whitest skin i have ever seen, maybe her hair is dyed becouse god can't be that cruel i mean she looks like a gost but a pretty gost she just needs a highlight or something. I am so into analysing the way miss penny' s hair goes with her skin i don' t hear a door open next to me that i didn't even see. A throud clearing snaps me out of my steering i look to it and see a mixed man standing. Now he is clearly just reached his 30s. Standing at 6ft 3, bronze skin curly black hair, brown hair, slander frame.
"Miss Derose" his husky voice called. I just stood up and walked to him and into the office. Its a basic tearcher office but shows a little money here and there. One side has shelves with books that runs from one corner to the next and the one the desk is facing has again shelfs but this on has a glass frame and in it is diffrent sizes of trophies from diffrent sports. It looks really good
" You can sit down " he said. I turned away from the trophies and sat in the chair infront of the desk.I walked out of the office and down the hall atleast now i know its corridor 2 that leads to the outside. I called Giselle becouse she was supposed to be with me but her boyfriend called.
" Gizzy where are you? I asked as soon as she answerd her phone.
" On my way to you. Are you done with your admittion.?
" yes no thanks to you."
" i am soooo sorry. I am with you on your first day i promise
" uuuuhm u better.i need to go home , shower and than start decorating my apartment."
"Ooh we are still calling it that than not a house!"
" yes we are"
" anyways here i come i see you"
I hung up" i really need to get a car soon. Before school starts."
" Jess owns a car dealership" gizz said like its no big deal. I have been talking about a car since before i come here. I just turned and look at her for a minute before deciding to let it go.
" well i will talk to him soon, take me home"
She just laughed because she knows i have a attitude now. She couldn't let me know she knew someone that could help!?
I just wana shower and start on my apartment well house. If you count the fact that it sits on a 20 acres of land."What do you wana eat" Giselle asked
I just kept quiet because she is foul for not telling me.
" Lana?
"Lana bear! She sang out
" What?" She knows i love that nickname.
" I actually forgot about you wanting a car bae you always talk about wanting something but never get it"
" Thats so not true!" I said knowing its true, i just sometimes forget i said something or change my mind.
" Uhhm" she side eyed me
" Oky. Just asked him if he has something for me please.
"Ofcouse"We spend the rest of the car ride quiet. I am so tired i just want to sleep. I have been getting tired way more now i don't know why. I couldn' t be pregnant because i am Still a virgin. My parents relationship damaged me if love is like that i don't want it but thats a story for another day.
It is not even from the lack of trying there were boys alot of boys that came around i mean not to sound arrongant or anything but i have the rearest of eye colour, kind of redish brown. I had made it a point to grow my hair even though its thick its long and brown but i like to dye it red. It goes with my chocolaty skin tone. I am short but have long legs with a slim thick body that i love so much.
I have never been in a gym and i eat like nobodies business but i still remain slim with a pretty flat tammy so i guess thank you jesus.
Giselle on the another hand is a african american beauty, i mean i am also a african but i am aunthentic yah know. Now Giss is mix her mom is an angolian desant but her dad is from britain, maybe thats why that man is such a dictator it makes so much sense, but back to my baby she is a goddess i tell you with curly black hair that her dad likes to be kept straight and green blue eyes, light caramel skin tone and like me a slim thick firgure i can see why jess is crazy for her. She stans at 5ft 8 here in american but to me she just foken lang. I mean to my 5ft5 that i just found out when i got here i have neck pains already.All rights reserved