Chapter 2

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Being that i am from Namibia i had to find my own way to be successful coz oppotunities aren't available there. So like any other ambitious teen i saved up all my litte pocket change until i had enough. I opened a bank account and starded online trading. With what i made there i started my clothing brant DeRosa.
I made a good enough impact with it i was invited to the windhoek fashion week. Its kind of a big deal. From what i made there i build my mom her dream house and build myself a house. I am still trading so i make good money.
My dream was to make opportunities for people like me and i did. I opened up the biggest club in my region, i grew the DeRosa brant to the point it was notice overseas. I build the first community center in namibia. And i bought a farm for my parents. Its a dream of every parent come true.

And now i am living my dream. With the market and currency difference i made more living in LA thats why i could afford the 4 bedroom 3 and half bathroom with an open plan of the kitchen and living room with an outdoor pool.
It wasnt easy but i made it at 21 i just do shit for fun now.

" No Giselle, i dont want people knowing where i live. I dont know them for all i know they could be in a gang and the leader will fall inlove with me and follow me around". I told Gizzy becouse she has been begging me to let her boyfriend and his friends come help us set up my bedroom and hers. Since she decided she doesnt want me to lonely in a big house. But i know its becouse she is tired of her dad always in her business. Its whatever i don't really wana be alone anyway.

" What" she laughed at me " you seriously need to get of wattpad. You read to much" she continued.
" whats wrong with me reading? I have to get action somewhere and you are always with your boyfriend.
" you have only been here for a week" she reasoned.
" your point?
" come on Lana bear we seriously need the help look at what you are doing now. Just sitting there doing nothing"
"Aaag Giz.......fine but they need to come with food coz your girl hungry"
" oky they are almost here. I told jess to bring food"
I looked at Giselle.
" were you just informing me or something. Why were you begging if you already told them to come"
" coz i knew you would agree. You dont want to do anything."
" i am still jet- legged boo"
"Its been a week"
"Again your point"

The door bell ringing cut of her response. So. They were near near than. I dont even really care as long as they can help with this big ass bed and i can get my nap i dont mind who is here. The rest of the house is already done with white,gold, grey and some black we just need to do the bedrooms. We have been home for maybe 2 hours now and still haven't done anything, there are boxes everywhere you look. I have not even started with my closet yet and i have a whole lot of clothes.

"Lana" Giselle yelled.

I just stood up from the floor in the master bedroom and walk down the stairs. I got into the kitchen and just stop in my tracks once i saw who was here.
Alot of people i tell you.
I looked at giselle and she just widen her eyes like to tell me she don't know.

"Well where is the food?" I just asked cos what am i suppost to do now.
" Guys this Lana, Lana this is everybody"
"Is that contacts"
"God damn"
Diffrent people say. I am so not comfortable right now so i just ignore them and walk to were giss is with jess and dude from this morning mr tall dark and hudsome.
I just love to look at his arms so i just do that.
"Lana" giselle whisper to me


"What are you doing?" I can hear the laughter in her voice. I just ignore her.

"Where is my food jess? And who are all this people in my house i thought you would only come with two guys"

"We were already together when gissy called" jess said and mr tall dark anf hudsome decided than to turn and look at me. I totaly forgot everything except his eye colour, god seriously toke his time with this one. Like its so unfair to be honest.

"Lana lets start with your bedroom" gissy said breaking our staring contest.

" No i don't want anyone in my bedroom. Start with yours and i will do myne but i will call jess to come help with the bed." I told her. Honestly i don' t like people in my space. I am already trying really hard to ignore them being in my kitchen.

" Oky guys you gotta leave" jess's friend said to the rest of the group. I guess he saw how uncomfrotable i am.

I just look at him and than looked at giss.
The people left after some complaining and making plans to hang out again. That left me, gissy, jess and two other guys.

"My name is bean" the guy with curly mop of hair said.

"Lana" i just reply and turn to the blue eye adonis.

"I told you my name this morning"

"I forgot"
" Uhm Devion"

" Oky so it looks like this house is already furnish what are we suppost to do"? Bean asked

" Well i hired a interior decorator for the housw but i told her to leave the rooms. I wanted to be here and do it my self. You guys  can start with her room though.

" You really don't want anyone in your room" jess asked

"No. Come on". We let the guys upstair bean and jess followed gissy to her room but devion remaind with me

" You can go with them i will be fine i will call you guys once i am done so you can come set up the bed."

"Nah am gonna stay with you"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2024 ⏰

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