Chapter 8

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Comfortable they were as some people would say if you saw them. It was now Friday and Felix hadn't switched since the party. It made him a little happier knowing he might be fixing this unknown problem. Yes some of them have been co-conscious but that's a usual thing with Felix and his system. Everything just felt....normal for once.

"Felix, let's go to lunch." Chan popped his head into the blondes room.

The two didn't have classes today but due to their majors they were just trying to catch up on things. The blonde turned around and smiled. Normal for once with Chan, like he kind of accepted being friends with the other. that lingering feeling of wanting to be something more was there. Causing the younger to feel a little brighter When Chan looked at him and develop butterflies.

The blonde nodded. "Sure. I was getting hungry anyway." The older nodded and soon the two were off. Heading down the campus streets trying to find somewhere to eat on a Friday. Subconsciously Chan moved Felix to the inside of the sidewalk as they headed toward the restaurants.

Felix looked up to the older. "What was that for?"

Chan flashes a smile as he gazes forward again. "Just a habit..."

Felix nods as a smile steals his lips. -a must have a lot of those- Felix wasn't sure but the way Chan protected him out of nowhere made him feel fuzzy. No one ever warmed up to him this fast let alone take such good care of him. -Dad said he was a good kid..-

After a while of aimlessly walking around, the two finally found a spot to eat. It was a small restaurant preferably but dark. They sat in a booth together toward the back because, like every other place, it was packed. But, it was an Australian dining place so Chan insisted.

"Thank god we finally found a spot."

Felix nods. "It's Australian also."

"Do you miss Australia?" Chan asks as he looks up and down the menu.

"Ya sometimes. But I have family here so I can't really get homesick. You said your family lives in Australia? Are you homesick?"

Chan smiles softly. "I'm surprised you remembered. Yes there all there. Um I get homesick sometimes but it doesn't happen often."

Felix nods letting the background music of the restaurant fill the space between them. After a moment they were down in ordering and just plainly waiting for their food. As the two talk and talk about stupid things or just college a noise catches Felix's ears. The blonde winces as his hands begin to cup his ears; searching around with his eyes for this awful noise.

"Are you okay Felix?" Chan asks with a worried tone.

"That sound...what..where is it coming from?" Felix's breathing begins to pick up pace as his heart starts to pound against his chest. The older begins to look around with Felix not understanding what he's hearing.

"What are you hearing Felix...Maybe I can help find it.."

Felix can feel himself grow hazy as the screeching noise grows louder. He lets his hands try their best to drain out the noise but it's already seeping through them. Felix begins to find his way to the table letting the sound take over him as it gets louder and louder. The restaurant becomes farther from him than usual.

Chan looks over to the younger when he notices no response and soon his eyes grow wide. Felix was practically passed out on the table. "What..." he lets escape his mouth as he switches his seat over to Felix's side.

Chan wraps his arms around Felix, rubbing circles on his shoulders. He really hoped he would wake up soon but that hope left his body. It felt like ages to Chan but it was around 3 minutes and Felix still hadn't woken up. The waiter even brought their food out for them but at this point it was getting cold.

Finally though, after another minute the blonde began to move and rub his tired eyes. Letting Chan slowly move away as he stared at Felix with a confused face. "Felix?"

"Hm...hello?" (Felix) speaks as he gets a good look at Chan. "Who...are you?"

The brown haired flutters his eyes. "Felix it's me Chan? Are you okay? You passed out."

"I did....Ah! Chan I know you!" (Felix) giggles. "Oh! I am so hungry, can I eat this?" He points to the plate of food before him. 

Chan nods, slowly leaving the seat beside (Felix) and heading back to his spot. "You can eat it. That's your food."

So the blonde begins to eat cutely, totally confusing Chan as he just watches. Kind of cute he did think but this wasn't normal for Felix, he never acted like this? So he did the only thought that came to mind, calling Minho.

-Calling Minho-

Minho- Hello, Chan what's up?

Chan- Hey I'm here with (Felix) at this restaurant we found....

Minho- Okay? Chan I'm in class.

Chan- He just straight up passed out and now he's acting differently.

Minho-....what do you mean Chan? Different how?

Chan- He's acting really cute? I don't know how to explain it! He said he heard a noise and he looked really scared then passed out!

Minho- hand the phone to( Felix).

So the brown haired did, handing over his phone to (Felix) and watched as the younger had a conversation with Minho. It wasn't long until (Felix) gave back the phone indicating that Minho hung up.

"What did he say?" Chan asked.

"Minho is coming to Join us!" (Felix) said cheerily and kept on eating.

"Come on Felix we're going..." Minho came out of nowhere and soon took (Felix) gingerly out of the booth.

"Hey Minho!" Chan yelled as he stepped out of said booth and waited for Minho to turn around. Minho did, slightly pushing Felix behind him as he kept a soft hold on his wrist. "I can take care of him Minho, I was just confused..."

"Exactly why you can't. I'm taking Felix with me." He said slowly.

"Why? You have classes and plus, I brought him here so it's kind of my fault. If you tell me what's wrong with him I'm sure I can take care of him and you can go back to your day. "

Minho begins to walk away with a bubbly Felix. "No, that's never going to happen. I'll be fine, it's just one class, I can skip." With that they were gone.

Chan stands there awkwardly not understanding the situation at hand. Why was Minho so protective of Felix in the first place? He knew he was his friend but this was a lot for Minho. He usually acts like that with only his boyfriend Jisung. Chan furrowed his eyebrows, soon sitting himself back down in the booth. He stared at the empty seat that held Felix only moments ago.

-What is going  on?- Chan questioned as he stood in the middle of the restaurant.

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