Chapter 13

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-Why don't we go get some food Felix..-

"Leave me alone..."

-dad is worried about us and all you have to do is stuff your face with some food. Stop moping around before you kill us!-

"We ate earlier, Hyunjin."

-Earlier?! as in 12 hours ago! Let alone we have no sleep.-

Felix rolls to his side. Wincing at the sun as it shines through the curtains. He's been laying in the same spot for days now. Losing track of time and losing himself. Forgetting to eat or even drink water.

His dad was getting worried but Felix wouldn't talk. He didn't want to. Felix could feel himself drifting as the days grew longer, got colder. Ignoring the rest of the system along with his feelings.

Why did Chan have to already know? Why did his dad tell him? Did Chan begin to like him out of pity? Because he had D.I.D and just felt bad after finding out Felix liked him. Or was he too obvious about his feelings and Chan just knew that too?

Felix was confused, angry, sad, he had too many emotions working together at once so he just shut them off. He shut off his phone also and hid away in his room. What sucked more was that he hasn't switched either. Everyone's just been co-conscious with him lately and he hates it.

So here he lay. With Hyunjin pestering him about eating or getting a shower or something. His dad worried because Felix wouldn't talk to him like he usually does. His phone shut off and probably filled with millions of texts from Chan or missed phone calls. Probably some from his friends also but they knew how Felix gets when he shuts his phone off and runs home, they know not to bother the boy.

At some time of the day, because Felix had given up on checking, he hears a knock on his door and then his father enters.

" you mind at least coming down for dinner. Maybe we can talk." He says soulmely.

Felix looks at his father and then lays his head back on his pillow. Yes, he kind of felt bad, his dad looked so worried. Maybe his dad wasn't sure if it was even him here that he was talking to, but oh well. A couple of minutes passed and the older man left, giving up on his son for tonight.

-You should go eat. Every 12 hours you know- Hyunjin tried his best to joke but felix didn't budge.

-Oh come on! Felix I swear if you don't go I will go for you.-

The blonde growned. Soon getting up lazily and headed downstairs to eat with his dad. The older was surprised to see Felix enter the kitchen after days of being here. Nevertheless he gave him a plate and sat beside him.

"Do you want to talk about it."

Felix takes a moment. Feeling all those emotions enter his body again, letting all of it course through his veins again as he whips his head toward his father. "Why did you have to tell Chan I had D.I.D! I knew something was up when you 'talked him up' and you never 'talk up' your students dad. Ever!"

"Felix, all I did was ask him to look out for you since you were new to this school idea. He did his own research and figured it out. Of course he asked me if he was right and what was I supposed to say, no?"

"Yes, you should have. I wanted to tell him myself and I looked so vulnerable when I did tell him you know! You know how much courage that took up for me!?"

"Felix I'm sorry..."

Felix stands, feeling the hot tears cascade his cheeks. "But are you? I told Chan that I had feelings for him and he said he liked me back! Now that I look back on it I'm starting to think that he just likes me because of you! How do you think that feels, dad?"

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