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Arabella hadn't spoken to John in almost a month; despite him making the effort to try and make things right between them again. Part of that was due to her stubbornness after what happened at the lake, the other part being the urge and want to protect herself from any further damage he may cause her.

But she herself could admit the stubbornness was the main factor in this, overpowering all else.

Either way, she'd done all she could to stay out of his way— if she saw him in the streets, or even in the Garrison, she would purposely avoid him at all costs.

Though, sometimes that wasn't always a success as he too carried a whole load of stubbornness. He'd do anything he could put his mind upon to ensure she wouldn't be able to keep her little 'ignoring' act up for long, even if it would take time.

He was angry at himself, as well as Arabella, for allowing the two to fight again. He knew that this wasn't how things were supposed to go, not this time.

After he had screwed everything up the years prior to this one, he wanted everything to run smoothly, and make sure the two could work things out again. Yet with both him and Arabella never admitting their wrongdoings, it made that task way harder than it needed to be.

Their stubbornness always led to them to having to make sure the other was the one 'in the wrong' to prove their innocence, even if they knew deep down that the other was right, and that they were not. But neither one of them would ever admit that they were incorrect, as it was all just a part of who they were as people, difficult people that is.

This of course showed the similarities in their personalities, yet at the same time it displayed just how different the two were, and that they'd never actually work out in the way they wanted. Which was just what Arabella truly needed. Right?

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"I mean, he can't do that to me! It's not fair." Arabella groaned, turning to face her friend Darla. "Who does he think he is? The argument didn't last long, but he just gets me so angry all of the time!"

Arabella knew she shouldn't be acting like this, especially over a person such as John Shelby, but she simply couldn't help herself. Any interaction with the man and she could feel the frustration building up inside of her.

Darla raised an eyebrow and turned towards the girl, who appeared to be in a state of annoyance over something so little, "oh please, Arabella, stop being so dramatic all of the time."

Arabella scowled at her, her words only serving to fuel her irritation. "Dramatic? How am I being dramatic? You know, Darla, you're supposed to listen to me, and take my side, not just make me feel a whole lot worse!"

"Yes, dramatic," she sighed, slinging an arm over her best friend's shoulder. "You have been going on and on none stop about this stupid argument with your ex, which you'll find happened well over a month ago. You haven't shut up about him, it's clear you still have feelings for the man whether you want to admit it or not."

Darla was Arabella's other closest friend besides Ada, though she too had only just moved back into town. Of course she wanted nothing more to see the girl she calls her 'best friend,' but when hearing about her crises with John Shelby, she wasn't so sure anymore. She expected happiness, and love from the girl, not anger and frustration.

Lingering Temptations | John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now