Chapter 11

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"Do you smell that?" I ask Elizabeth. She answers quickly. "Yeah it smells" The black coal smell ran into my nose.

Suddenly I hear the missing children and Evan running towards us. Evan bumps into me, not looking where he is going. "Evan what's going on?!" I shout. He looks up at me. "There's a fire! Across the building!" We felt like we were melting so we ran here!"

Before I knew it Elizabeth grabs my hand and yanks me out of the room. I could hear our dads screams of as the heat slowly inched closer to him.

We go as far as we can until we make it to the end. In the last room I look around. All the dead children are here. I look at the other wall to see a glass barrier. Inside was the white bear mask man. "Look!" I shout and point to him. Elizabeth looks over at him. And then he takes of his mask.

It was Micheal! He was guard all along. Elizabeth gasps. Suddenly we hear a microphone turn on. An old man's voice is heard through the intercom.

BEEEP. "Connection terminated. I'm sorry to irrupt you Elizabeth, if you still, even remember that name." We all face Liz. In all of our minds the big question was whirling like a tornado. Who is this man?

"I don't remember this voice!" Elizabeth shouts as she looks up at the ceiling. The smoke is coming in closer, and Mike, our brother, somehow knows we are here. It's like he can see us.

"But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume. Although you have indeed been called. You have all been called here." The smoke drifts in more and I can see a bright orange flame growing bigger.

"And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you. Although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be." I look over at Micheal. His skin now stained purple dry. He sits down on his chair, letting the flames surround him and take him.

While the screams of William continue, I realize that we are the last to be taken by the fire.

As he continues and the flames drive closer I realize who this person is. I look over at Charlie. Poor little girl was scared to death. "Charlie! It's your Dad! It's Henry Emily on the intercom!" She stares at me then looks at the fire in front of our faces.

"No way!" She protests. But then we hear Henry say, "My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die." Tears flood her eyes as she falls to the ground.

As we're all backed up against the wall, the thick, black smoke makes it hard for any of us to see. A hold Evan's hand. "It's ok! We're going to make it out of here...!" As the fire surrounds us, we all drop one by one to the ground. Before I shut my eyes I hear the last words of Henry.

"This ends for all of us. End communication."

There will be one more chapter unless you want me to write about security breach.
Lemme know your opinions in the comments!

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