Chapter 6

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I know Micheals soul is still inside him. I trigger it off, making him spit us out into the sewage. We descend about 20ft (6.096 meters) underground. Elizabeth's hair swings around at me meeting me in the face. "What the hell y/n!? We were going to escape this prison, why would you do that?!" She flew a little bit higher than I was flying and obviously was getting angry.

Quick sketch of ghosts wearing their masks (made by me)

So talented I know 💅💅We yelled at each other for 15 more minutes

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So talented I know 💅💅
We yelled at each other for 15 more minutes. And before the argument could get bloody, Ballora took control of Ennard. "Alright dears,we have had enough. We've tried to put up with your constant bickering, but All the animatronics hate it when you both fight." I stayed silent. It was like having a mother disciplining you.

Ballora turned her body at us. She said, "We can't take it anymore, while you both were sewing your brother up, Funtime foxy, Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon, Bonnet, my Minireenas and I decided we kick you both out if you fight one more time!" She had a firm look and held her opinion.

"Are you serious right now?" Elizabeth said while holding her circus baby mask and puts in on her face. I stared in disbelief while I tug at my shirt. Funtime Freddy takes Ennard over and starts, "Yes, we are serious right now. We really didn't want to do this but if we must, we will." Suddenly the remains of circus baby were spat up and thrown on the floor. "Goodbye." Bon bon said while they all left us behind.

I sigh watching them climb out of the sewer and into an alley way. Why didn't we follow them? We couldn't venture too far from circus baby's remains. Elizabeth was staring at the back of my head not sure what to say. I turn to her and look at her emerald green eyes. She took her mask off and looked at what is left of circus baby. "Well, this has definitely not gone as planned..." Eli uttered as if she was a little bird just being hatched.

I look up at her and give a shy smile. "Yeah for sure." I give another sigh glancing again at the metal on the ground that was once circus baby. My sister took her eyes off the ground and floated down. She then started "Well we're both out here together. Maybe we should..." she stoped at that point as if she lost her will to speak. It was like a claw went down her throat snatching her voice. "forgive and forget?" I reply finishing her sentence. Liz looked up at me, she gave a shyly smile and nodded.

We started to repair the animatronic on the floor. Wires, chest plates, metal and two robotic eyes were scattered around. We tried our best but it wasn't the old circus baby from before. "Hey y/n... there are some extra parts. And I'm to sure where they go..." Elizabeth was nervous about this, after all, her entire living and unalive life she was pressured into being perfect. I fly over and pat her on the back. I stare at the extra pieces she held in her hands. That's when I get an Idea "Oooh what if we give her roller skates!" I yell in excitement looking at my feet imagining me skating. "Uhm ok, sure!" Liz then sets up wheels on the bottom of circus baby's feet. "And what about a chain saw!" I smile like a cat who just ate an entire flock of birds. "Hmm alright!"

A few hours later and it was done! "That ain't circus baby that's scrap baby." Elizabeth declares before bursting out in laughter at her own joke. I give a good look at the animatronic before speaking "You know that's her name now, scrap baby." I put my hands to my side an fuse into it. Soon after Elizabeth does the same. When me and Elizabeth come out of scrap baby she no longer had a circus baby mask. It was a scrap baby mask. I feel my face, taking it off of me. Mine was the same as hers.

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