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"I'll talk to Mr. Kim soon. But what about hobi. I can't understand why he is behaving like this. He never yelled at me before. It hurts me a lot. But I deserve this I guess, because I'm hurting Mr. Kim the same way." She is talking to herself looking at the mirror.

"Your life is a total mess y/n! Why did you even do things that you know could hurt others. Are you out of mind?! You are such a stupid y/n!" She scolds herself.

"I want to know why hobi is acting like this. I have the right to ask. I WANT TO KNOW!" She flipped her hair and tied it with a scrunchy, took her phone and jacket to step out.

She walked to hobi's house. She knocked the door and hobi's dad opened the door and let her in. "Hello, y/n! Long time no see!" He said smiling at her. "Hello dad. How are you?" She asked. "I'm fine y/n. And how are you?" He asked. "I'm not fine. I have many problems." She said.

"It's normal to have problems at your age. You can get over with it. Be strong my girl!" He cheered her. She smiled and nodded. "Is hobi in his room?" She asked and he nodded. "Did you guys fight? Why is he always dull and have a bag under his eyes all the time?" He asked.

"I'll talk to him. Don't worry dad." She said and left to his room. She stood near the door and heard some sniffing. "Is he crying?" She spoke to herself. She took a deep breath and knocked the door with all her guts.

No answer! Again she knocked. No answer! But the sniffing stopped. She again knocked. "Who is it?" He asked. She didn't answer. She know if he hear her voice he won't open the door. So she knocked again. "I asked who is it?" She didn't say anything and stood there silently.

She heard footsteps arriving at the door. Once he opened the door she stepped in immediately. He left the door open and turned to her. "What are you doing?" He asked in a frustrated tone.

His eyes are all red and had a huge bag under it as same as hers. She worried. "Nothing. Just entering by best friend's room." She said. "Best friend? Of whom?" That word killed her. 'Of whom?' It hurts to hear it from him.

"O-of course yours!" She stuttered. She can't take his words. Those are like sharp swords. "Get out first." He said. She shook her head as a no. "Who said you can come in? Did I ask you to come in?" He asked and held her hands and tried to get her from his room.

She yanked his hands and said, "First you owe me an explanation. So I can't get out of here." She stated and sat on the bed comfortably. "I don't owe you any explanations except one thing. I'll soon finish it off. Now get out!" He said.

"You have to explain why you are like this. I won't go until you explain." She said firmly. "You are so annoying. Don't irritate me! Get out I say!!" He yelled. She flinched. "He asked you to get out, y/n!" They heard Mrs. Jung's voice.

"Get out or else I'll report you for barging into my son's room." She said. Hobi stood there silently. He would always support her when his mom treat her wrongly or yell at her. But now he did nothing. It hurt her!

Tears rolled down. She stood up and left. His dad was also standing there but he too did nothing. She walked all the way back to her house.

3 days went by. She didn't go to office. She wanted some free time. So she applied for 1 week leave. She decided to go out and eat something as she wasn't eating properly for the past 3 days.

She grabbed her order from the worker and turned to go get a seat. She bumped into someone and she dropped the tray down. Food scattered on her and the person standing on the front of her and the floor.

"I'm sorry-" She looked up only to see hobi. "Hobi!" "I'm sorr-" She got cut. "Don't you have eyes? See where you are going. This is a brand new dress. Pay for it!" He yelled. Everyone's eyes are on her now.

Again a pain in the heart. She can't understand why he is like this. This is not the hobi before. She don't know this hobi. Tears rolled down. She got frustrated because of his behaviour. She took her purse and shoved some money onto his face and went away.

She went out to clear her mind but again everything fell apart.

The 26th of the month. Taehyung usually go meet that lady in the restaurant. He went as usual and she was waiting for him. He sat down. Immediately seeing his face she understood something is wrong.

"What happened to you, taehyung ah?" She asked. He sighed and said, "I- I loved a girl with all my heart! But she doesn't want to be my life partner it seems. She is confusing me."

"Oh... what is confusing you?" She asked. "She, you know somehow got my hopes up and now saying that she can't be mine. She kissed me, and did everything with me. Now she says that she don't love me instead her friend and it was all out of lust." He sighed.

"She-" She stopped when her phone rang. "Oh wait it's my daughter. I'm sorry I have to attend this." She said earning a nod from him. "Hello, dan-bi!" She said. He shoot his head up. "Dan-bi?!" He mumbled.

After she came back to the table he asked. "Your daughter name is dan-bi?" He asked. "Yeah. Why? You know her?" She questioned. "Yeah! Can you show me her picture?" He asked.

She showed her picture. "Yeah! I know her. Your daughter's boyfriend's best friend is the girl I love." He said. "You mean y/n?" She asked. "You know her?!" He exclaimed. "How can I not know when my daughter always go pick fight with her." She said.

"Fight?" He asked. "Yes. She don't like her because she is his best friend. She hate her and always hurt her somhow." He gave her a look. "I know what you are thinking. She is my daughter but got her father's character. I know she will always be wrong. She won't let me talk. She is rude. She is exactlylike her father." She said.



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