Chapter 13. Engaged with a happy end

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The last ever young love forever but don't worry there is going to be a sequel coming soon :)


Once we had reached number one we started singing and saying Happy new year to each other. You see it has been 3 months since Jacob had made up with me and my family, since then we have been so happy. For Christmas he had gotten me a necklace that said you mean the world to me on. I thought it was lovely. My dad has been trying his best to get on with Jacob, mom thought it was great that we had made up.

Now though it was midnight on the 1st January, we watched the fireworks out in the back yard. The whole sky was lit with all of the colors of the rainbow. It was beautiful. Especially when Jacob had his arms wrapped around my waist and I could feel his breath on my ears. Mom was also hugging close to dad. Everyone was happy enjoying the fireworks.

We were in our old house again, after me and Jacob made up Carlisle had announced that we were moving back to our old house. Dad still had Sam locked in Emmett’s house but he kept checking on him and supplied him with food. His family also knew about him since dad had told them that Sam had gotten amnesia and didn’t know where he was. They moved into Emmett’s house as well. Emmett didn’t seem to care one bit. Since I was home I was now back in touch with Hannah and Annie much to Jacob’s hatred. He still didn’t like her at all but they came were also watching the fireworks with us. Hannah and Dean had now started dating.

When the fireworks had finished we had come back inside where the table was full of party food. We all helped ourselves, well me, Jacob, Dean, Hannah and Annie. Alice had turned the music up loud and was dancing with Jasper. Everyone was having a fun time, except mom who was feeling a little ill. She had been quite ill since we had moved back to our old house. Being sick quite often and going to lie down with migraines, dad was deeply worried about her. Alice knew something but mommy shielded her so no one else would know. We were all suspicious and mom was acting very strange. She was lying on the couch with her hand shading her eyes, dad was sat next to her with a worried look on his face.

“Ok everyone settle down, will someone turn the music down.” Alice was standing on a chair with a microphone. Esme had turned the music down so Alice could sleep.

“Jacob, I hear you have something to say.” She grinned. I turned around to Jacob who was making his way to Alice. I was a little confused of to what was happening. Mom slowly got up from the couch and joined me. She smiled at me and winked. Dad was standing next to mom with a hand around mom.

Jacob was standing on the chair Alice had, he had taken the microphone. It was funny that he was standing on the chair because his head nearly hit the ceiling and light.

“Ok will Edward, Bella and Renesmee please come here?” Jacob said through the microphone. We all did as we were told. Jacob stepped off the chair hitting his head on the light. We all laughed at Jacob who just looked embarrassed.

“Ok calm down everyone.” Jacob said once he had collected himself. Everyone silenced.

“Renesmee Carlie Cullen.” Jacob had taken my hand looking at dad who was smiling, mom was also smiling.

“Will you marry me?” He asked. He smiled and everyone looked shocked. I was the most shocked I started crying. Jacob thought he had done something wrong and so did everyone else. They all stared at me waiting for me to answer. I took a deep breath and said. “Jacob Black I would love to marry you.” I managed to say. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a while.

The music had come back on and everyone was celebrating our engagement. Jacob slipped the ring onto my finger, I held it up in the light and it sparkled beautifully. The ring itself had a massive blue diamond and next to it each side were 5 smaller silver diamonds. It was the nicest thing I had ever seen and Jacob had told me it was a very rare diamond and that I deserved it because I was a rare beauty.

Mom had made an excuse to lay back down again. Dad was by her side instantly. When I had offered to sit with her she refused. I danced with Jacob.

As the night became morning, all of our guests went to sleep. Jacob and me sat on the balcony and watched the sun go down together.

“I love you Renesmee.” Jacob whispered into my ear.

“I love you Jacob.” I whispered back. The sun was slowly rising and the sky was full of oranges and reds. I had my head leaning on Jacob and we just thought about how we would spend the rest of our lives together, forever.

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