Episode IV: PrehistoricCreatures

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Scenario: You are a scientist, archeologist, and explorer that recently discovered an unknown fossil on an unknown island, already dug up and left in the open. You take it to examine it oly to find out the part of the DNA of the fossil, which happens to be a Dinosaur, has been taken into the wrong hands, and you are on a hunt to take down the evil mastermind before the world could get invaded by dinosaurs.

The helicopter rose up and Eva sat back for the ride. It would take a while to reach the island and she knew she only had these few hours to get a plan in place.

She had been working for a few months now as an Intern at the Museum run by its Director, Indira Terun. But, what she initially thought a humdrum desk job for studies of old was turning out to be far more complicated and dangerous.

So far, she had uncovered encrypted files, shot her bow at a Museum crate, found an emblem, been introduced to the Society, met an undercover agent, and now, on her way to a mysterious island. To say that she had a lot on her plate would be an understatement.

"First time on a 'copter, Miss?" the Pilot asked her through the head piece.

Eva nodded, her long black hair swaying with the movement. "Yes, Sir. Is this the only way to the Island?"

"Plane and boat, too. The plane we always keep on standby for the Director, Mrs. Terun. This one we use for pickups."

Eva nodded her thanks. Her mind was busy thinking of exit and contingency plans. With the island being isolated, she would need someone from the outside to help her. She thought of Omnia, again debating with herself if she can trust the agent.

She was at work earlier when she received the call from the Director.

"Eva, I need you here at the site. To anyone who asks, you're Consulting as a Scientist/Archeologist. You're a bit young, but we'll fly that by with the 'prodigy' tag. Inform your family that you will be out on field assignment for a couple of weeks and that you'll be incommunicado," the Director instructed.

Terun hung up after that and Eva was left on a whirlwind as she secured a few items to bring with her to the Island. She was not sure if she would be allowed the use of a cell phone onsite so she decided to message Omnia about her whereabouts. She needed a backup just in case things went south.

Eva did not have time to appreciate the remote beauty of the island as she was scanned, tagged, and issued an ID upon arriving at the facility.

"May I speak with the Director?" she asked one of the staff roaming about the place. Eva thought the people would be a bit more lively with the recent discovery but they all seemed to be in uniform, people either in white lab coats or the soldiers in military garb with nary an expression on their faces.

"You are scheduled for a meeting with her in her office at 1300 hours," she was informed.

Eva nodded and took out the map of the facility that she was handed earlier. She'll get a layout of the place. She barely walked a few steps when the sound of a ringing alarm went off!

"Please head to the exit in an orderly manner, " the command came out of the overhead panels. Red warning lights flashed on the walls.

Heart pounding, Eva took a quick glance at the map on her hand. She saw a group of Scientists file towards the Exit sign ahead but she turned to go the other way.

Whatever it was that's happening, the Director would know.

Eva picked up her pace and burst towards the slightly opened door of the Director's office.

Indira Terun was busy arming herself! Putting a clip on one of the guns laid out on her desk, the Director glanced up briefly at Eva's entrance.

"Good you're here. Take your pick," the Director instructed, motioning for her to take one of the guns.

Eva took her favorite, a Beretta. Checking to make sure it was loaded, she held it easily by her side and turned to ask the Director.

"Where's the hangar?"

The Director looked at her, understanding quickly, then made a beeline towards one of the shelves. She pressed a button to reveal an entryway. "Here, this will get us there quickly."

Nodding, Eva joined the Director.

"How long ago was the DNA fossil taken?" Eva asked the Director as they sprinted towards the hangar.

"An hour or so ago. I got alerted when the Head Scientist missed her check in. I could not find her in the lab. I alerted Security and they are waiting at the exits. I rang the alarm after."

The two of them went silent as they neared the hangar. They stationed themselves at both sides of the door. And, with a nod, Eva nudged the door open.

A woman, whom Eva presumed to be the missing Head Scientist, was lying motionless on the floor. The back of her white lab coat was stained red with blood.

Only one other person in the room. A guy whose back was turned to them as he carefully took out something from the glass box and put it in his backpack.

"Hands up!" the Director's voice rang out commandingly.

Eva saw the man's hands move to pick up a gun lying on his side. With no time to think, Eva sighted and let off a shot.

The man's pained howl told them that she got his arm. The Director moved in quickly and had the man tied up before Eva lowered her firearm.

"Who sent you?" Indira hissed at the man as she secured the fossil.

Eva looked up from checking the woman's pulse and signaled that the Head Scientist was still alive, but barely.

"A client that pays extremely well," the man replied with a twist of his mouth. As Eva had guessed, it was the Pilot that transported her earlier to the island.

Eva and the Director stared at each other as the man laughed hatefully and voiced out a warning.

"You know that there will be more of us coming."

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