12 | Check-In

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The morning had arisen and the group, albeit reluctantly, had tried going to the agency. Donut had practically begged them to come with him to the place because of what happened last night, Bomby was still angry at him, but was guilty of causing the forest fire, which is now all over Yoyle news. Firey felt sick to his stomach after Coiny confessed about his crimes, nobody knew what to do with him because the police definitely wouldn't believe them. Barf Bag was still dazed and Gelatin had sore muscles.

The Agency's door shone a bright light blue, almost too mistaken as white unless you examined it closely, the doorknob was sleek and smooth, polished to precision, it felt..professional.

So Donut opened the door, squinting his eyes as the white lobby engulfed his surroundings, a lady was just typing away, giggling and not giving them a glance.

Barf bag made her way to one of the open seats, setting herself down. Gelatin took in every detail of the lobby, then proceeding to fiddle with one of the pens on the counter, Bottle finally noticed the, as she waved him hello, "Hi!" She chirped, "I'm Bottle and welcome to the Death Prevention and Creating Trust Agency, yada yada.. just what seems to bother you?"

Donut cleared his throat before speaking, "Uh-hi! We were just wondering if two people named..Remote and Pie are here?"

Bottle tilted her head before clicking her tongue, "Woops..Those two have told me about another mission they had to attend, a forest fire I think?" She tapped her chin, Bomby and Gelatin exchanged glances, "Uhm, that was last night?" Barf Bag muttered, rubbing the back of her neck, Bottle did an 'o' sound, "Well they're okay, unless they encountered something.." she trailed off, remembering that the 5 were technically civilians.

"..sorta of..delaying. This detective agency is difficult to help fund."

"You guys have one funder.." Donut emphasized disappointedly, Bottle chuckled nervously, she began typing on her computer, "Back on topic, what were you guys asking about?"

"It's about the forest fire." Firey spoke, "They were here, but got a call from someone named Tree and just..left?" Bottle nodded at that and got up, "How do you know?" She asked. "..someone here was the cause of the forest fire.." Donut grumbled, Bomby huffed but looked to the side, Bottle tilted her head, "Yoyle?"

"Hm? What?" Gelatin blinked and turned to look, "Yoyle like, Yoyle Powers?"

Bottle snapped her fingers and pointed at Gelatin, "Bingo!" She tapped a piece of paper, it started to raise the group stared at it in awe as more items on her desk lifted up around them, "You have them as well?!" Firey blurted, starstruck, Bottle simply gave him a dumb grin, "Everyone in the agency does!"

"Where are they now?" Bomby finally asked, "You were gonna say something but uhm..stopped." Bottle just did a 'hmm?' sound and pulled out her phone, she began typing something, paying no mind to Bomby blinking in shock and just low chuckled.

"I guess we have to wait now.." Donut sighed, Barf Bag only stretched and crossed her legs, comfortable. Firey just leaned on a wall as Gelatin fiddled with a few tapestries.

After a while a knock was heard from the employee room, Bottle glanced at the others and rolled her eyes, smirking, "I wonder who that could be..." she muttered, "Open the door please!"

Firey slowly went up to the door, once he turned the door knob, he was immediately pushed and fell on the floor. Someone with white hair appeared, large blue claws replaced his hands as he laughed manically, "So who to be ripped apart?" He grinned, scanning the five who stared at him in shock, out of nowhere Bottle grabbed a bag of popcorn and started to munch.

"What do you mean, ripped apart?" Donut yelled. The man only lunges at him, claws glistening, Donut instinctively leapt out of the way, causing him to crash face first into the wall. Bottle cackled, "One point for them, zero for Pen!"

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