13 | The Ringtone is Lobby Music

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It'd be an understatement to say Coiny felt like shit.

Firey hadn't talked to him in days, and Needle almost cut off all contact with him. Pin was the only one who frequently chatted with him. But the disappointment as all too clear.

Who's indirectly responsible for multiple deaths? Coiny. Who double crossed a potentially dangerous entity that's probably a deity? Coiny. Who should've been arrested almost immediately but is now stuck in his own house? Coiny.

He hadn't thought that much ahead when he first accepted Announcer's deal. Just petty theft was all, a couple of pointless laws broken for something better. Until Needle was hospitalized and he was told to murder.

Of course he wasn't hoping this was the outcome, but it was just so..pummeling.

Sighing, Coiny laid down on his bed, hoping another day would be pointlessly gone over. He was supposed to attend school right now, take the baking class, socialize, do work, then go to the-


Fuck, how he hates change.

Closing his eyes, he slowly drifted to sleep, his potent thoughts that once surrounded him dispersed into a single one. Floating in his own space to endure his relentless amount of negative thoughts, every single damn thing he's done up to this point coming back to him to replay every single thing, every wrong doing, every death he probably caused by just listening to the Announcer.


It's painful, it hurts, it just won't let him rest well, why? Why can't he have a small moment of clarity? Isn't this enough, he...he..he can't he..he's tired, he's not sleeping he can't sleep he won't sleep he feels so much pain it's hurting him from the inside out why is it hurting him from the inside out? Help, god, help, he needs someone to help him, why, why is it..it....


The soft sound of ringing echoed across the room, it was very upbeat and was probably a vocaloid, it talked about baking for one's love with self doubts throughout. The name of the caller was 'Pin'.

But Coiny didn't answer, he laid soundly on his bed, not even twisting or turning with a soft groan, almost lifeless.


Fanny couldn't believe this, how did so much happen in such little time? She took three days off, three! And now the agency has three new clients (?) and a..what did the thing call themselves? An algebralien. Safe to say Liy wasn't exactly pleased with this.

She, Lightning, and Marker were tasked with keeping them at bay, which was trying to get them to sit still.. not have any floating furniture, nothing on fire, destroyed, amputated, or anything unsettling..

"What's a..clock?" Two asked, dismantling it with their powers to inspect its insides, Marker gasped and tried to grab it all, "It's something to tell time! Like..right now it's.." he tried to read the broken clock, only to sigh and look at his watch, "3 PM!"

"Oh!" Two exclaimed, letting the clock fall onto the ground, Marker placed the ones he could grab on the counter and bent down to pick up the few that fell. Fanny rolled her eyes and just read a magazine, while Lightning just watched.

"So..earth, pretty cool and interesting! Like, there's sooo many people with powers here! What did Tree call it? Yoylepowers? Wow, what a topic."

Fanny huffed, flipping a page "If it wasn't annoying and made us do a lot of work, I'd hate it slightly less."

Lightning shrugged, "I think it's pretty neat." Marker almost hit his head on the counter while getting up, dumping the remains there, "It's alright I guess, though I agree with Fanny on this.."

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