Chapter 1: game day

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I turned to look at my alarm clock, 6:00 am, I shut it off.

I pulled the covers off my body, and got up, I walked to my bathroom, and started my skin care routine.

After that I brushed my teeth, and walked back into my room, I turned on some music and started doing my makeup.

After I got dressed.

   ^^ with white platform converse

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^^ with white platform converse.

My hair was already curled from yesterday, so I added a mini braid on the side of my head, turned off my music, and headed downstairs.

"Morning honey!" I heard my mom say.

"Morning!" I said grabbing an apple, and my bag before I head out the door.

"See ya later mom, love you!" I yell to her.

"don't forget I'll be home late tonight, love you, bye!"
She yelled back.

And with that I shut the door and started to walk down the steps and to my,driveway when I saw Benny walk out of his house.

He looked up and smiled at me, we both walked to the road and met up before we, started walking to school.

Let take a quick pause,your probably confused about what I'm talking about let me just explain.

Hi! My name is Sophia, but my friends call me soph.
I'm 16 years old, and I'm a junior in high school. I'm pretty popular, and I'm on the baseball team, the only girl on the baseball team, Ik it might sound weird a girly girl on the baseball team, but it's true! I'm good friends with the boys on my baseball team, Benny, Phillips and I think that's all you should know for now, but don't worry you'll learn more in a little bit;)
Anyways back to the story!

As we were walking he finally spoke.

"How'd you sleep last night?"he said trying to make conversation.

"Good, how about you."

"Decent." He said quietly.

And as we were talking, we heard running, then we felt hands on our shoulders, we both turn to the side.

"Hey guys!" Smalls said.

"Aw, look at the two love birds!" Yeah yeah said making a kissy face.

All the boys started laughing, and that's when I realized that all of the sandlot boys were with us.

"Not funny yeah yeah!" I said flicking him on his forehead.


I smiled, and we walked the rest of the way to school.
When we got there,I saw Philips and the rest of the baseball team.

I walked up to them, leaving the boys behind, minus Benny who was following right behind me.

He saw me walking up and smiled at me.

"Hi Philips!" I said.

"Hi peach."

I don't know why he calls me peach, and doesn't call me soph like everyone else does, but for some reason I kinda think it's cute.

" you ready for the game today." Phillips said.

"Ofc like always." I said.


The bell just rung, and the team started separating and going different ways.

"You coming." Benny asked me.

" I'll walk her." Phillips said.

Benny just looked at me waiting for an answer.
"it's ok Benny you go on without me, Phillips can walk me to class."

He looked disappointed, and turned, and started to walk away. I felt kinda bad but I walk with him all the time. And rarely walk with Philips.

Whatever,me and Phillips started walking to class. I got to my class and, Phillips and me said our goodbyes. As I was walking into the classroom I saw Benny siting in his usual spot.

I went and sat next to him, I looked over to him, he seemed upset.

"You ok?" He looked up at me.

"Yeah, im fine."

Then the teacher walked in shushing all of us, and class started.

                    (Skipping to the end of the day)

After the bell rang, I walked with my friend Mandy to her house. I had a little bit of time before the game, and before I had to get ready.

We got to her house and set our stuff down, and went straight to the kitchen.

"Im starving!" She said dramatically.

" me too!"

We got a bunch a food and went to her room, and stuffed our faces.

She turned on a movie and we were watching,until I had to get up and start getting ready.

"You know the homecoming dance is coming up soon, who gonna be your hot date." Mandy said wiggling her brows at me.

"I don't know yet, but I have a feeling the Phillips will end up asking me."

"I think your right, no I hope your right, your guys would be such a cute couple." She said excitedly.

" well I hope it's soon since the dance is this Friday."

"Me too" she said.

I finished getting ready and put in my baseball uniform on, and grabbed my stuff to walk to my house.

I dropped off my school bag grabbed my baseball bag and head to the the school field.

Word count:925

Hey! I hope your enjoy the story so far! I should be posting chapter 2 either today or tomorrow! Feel free to leave any comments or feedback! Have a good rest of your day!:)

P.s - some of the things in this book are more modernized then that time, or period. Like clothes, and other items. And Ik the home coming dance is usually at the beginning of the year, but let's just pretend it isn't for this book.:)

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