The ending day

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Tap, tap. I hear from a nearby table. I check my watch. Thirty-three minutes left until I can run. All I hear are my thoughts, but there are so many I can't understand what I'm thinking. Lily. Lily Johnson. Oh shit, I forgot I was in class. My teacher was calling me. What should I say now? What should I do? Do I tell her I was nodding off and probably would get in trouble? I might have to stay in if I do. The silence has been too long. I need to say something. 

Ring. YES! The bell saved me. I thought that only happened in the movies. But I had no time to waste. I need to get home. 

I grabbed my bag and locked my locker. Then I ran as fast as I could. Home was my destination. Then LA with my friends. I left the school gates. I past kids getting on buses, hopping into their parent's cars. I ran. But then I suddenly stopped. I felt something terrible around me. I looked around there was only one car. This was the main street. There has always been more than one car on this street. Even at three in the morning, there are at least ten cars.

I started to run like I had never before. Nothing could happen to me. Today was the best day of my life. I could not let anything happen to me. 

I came to a stop. Road works? There was nothing wrong with this road this morning. If I could just squeeze through the fence, I could continue to my house. I only have six more minutes to get back home in time. I can't be late for the cab. I walked along the fence. Finally, a hole I could squeeze through. Just breathe in and move slowly. "ow." A piece of metal scraped down my whole leg. Blood was dripping down my entire leg into my wight socks. It hurt the hell out, but I wouldn't let that stop me. 

I got through. I continued running home. I had two minutes left. I could see my door. It felt so good to see my house.

I reached into my pockets to find my key, but they were empty. Where were they? They must have fallen out of my pocket when I was running. I can't go back now. I have one minute. I might have to cancel the cab and flight until tomorrow. I grabbed my phone. I have two notifications weird. I was so happy to see these notifications they wear from the airport and cab company. Usually, I would hate to see these notifications, but today was the day to see that my flight and cab were delayed. It was perfect for me. Now I could go back and get my keys. 

I turned around, but something felt off. The whole day has felt off. Anyway, I continue to backtrack my steps. I reached the fence. But something had changed. I don't know what, but I did know something had changed. I spotted something in the corner of my eye. It was shiny. I realised that it was my keys. They were near a black-forward drive. I was nervous about going near the car, but I had to. I started to move towards the car slowly. Step by step, I moved towards the car. One move step to take until I could reach my keys. I took that step. I carefully bent down. I snatched my keys up. I went to turn around to run back to my house. Then I felt something touch my arm. Something grabbed me.      

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