Part one: The brothers

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It was in the middle of the day, when my brother and I fell down in this hole. We were chasing each other and he tripped. I tried to save him but I ended up falling with him instead.

"Yun wake up" I said hoping that would help
"Mo-Yun ? Mo-Linyuan ?, where are you your highnesses ?" Called our royal nanny

I yelled as loud as I could to let her know where we were. at first I thought it was hopeless and that we would die here together but then one of our royal guard heard me and pulled us out. I told him that my brother had lost consciousness and that he would need help to get back to the palace. The guard carried my brother back while I looked for our Na

"Na?!" I called out. "Na the guard found us, you have to come back now."

"Oh thank goodness y'all ok, oh please your highness don't ever run off like that again" said Na.
I nodded and I took her hand and she lead me back to the palace.

At the time my brother was 8 years old and I was 6. We always played together in the forest and Na would always look for us and scold us about running away from the palace. My brother always disagreed but I always persuaded him to go explore the forest with me.

When I got there my brother was awake. I rushed to him and apologised a hundred times and told him everything that had happened. My big brother just laughed and messed my hair up. For that I smacked his hand of and laughed too.

"Hey Linyuan why don't we go to town tomorrow, we could buy those sweets mother used to make for us at home." suggested Yun

I hesitated before answering. The mentioning of Mother was very hard to take in. Since our mother past away  I've missed her so much but now our father got remarried to our stepmom "Noori" our lives had been quite hard.

"Alright but can Na come too Yun ?" I asked
" I don't see why not." He replied

I was happy that Na could come too after all she was the only person I've ever considered as a Mother. Unlike Noori the gold digger she just treats me and brother nicely only when my father is around.

The next day we went to town. Yun bought sweets and a kitsune mask for me. I was having a lot of fun until I saw her. Noori was coming our way and I had to save Na and Yun before she embarrassed us in front of the townspeople.
"Na, Yun quick this way . Noori's coming this way!" I signal to them and then we left as fast as we could.

"Whew close one. Good call Linyuan!"complimented Yun.
"Yes Linyuan ,you were very vigilant!" added Na.

We then took a shortcut in the woods back to the castle.
Like all the nights that me and my brother share, he would tell me about mom since he has better memories of her than I do because I was vey small at the time. Brother always said how pretty and kind she was, how she greeted every townspeople with the most beautiful smile. I have to admit I was jealous that he got to see her and remember her but I only got to touch her hair and see blurry memories of her.

"Ok your highnesses it's bedtime for you two, you don't want your father to fire me do you now ?"said Na.
We stopped talking and went to sleep peacefully, quickly before Na got upset.

The next morning was training day for Yun. Father wanted him to grow up tall and strong so that he could rule over Dicentra one day. Every Thursdays he would take Yun to practice material arts, while I just watched them fight. Father had always beaten Yun at every round . I felt sorry for brother, he had to fight this giant heartless man in the name of respect.

"Father, what if I had a try?" I asked shakily.
"Bhahaha you ? Fight me ? Are you out of your mind? Of course you can't. Now get back and watch and learn kid" mocked father.
See father always underestimated us wether we what we are today or what we were. After the fight Yun was bleeding from his back and elbows.

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