Part two: Mo-Yun

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The next day Father said he would be leading a war against the East Empire,and that Yun had to join him. I was angry and sad to see that Yun was spending less time with me because of his training and Na was doing everything to make me better but I just couldn't, when I knew my brother was going to walk straight to his grave.
One night I couldn't sleep so I went to the palace garden, where I remember mother would take us and sing to us when we had nightmares. Sometimes when I'm here, I still feel her presence. The fountain water reflected the moonlight. The wind blowed my hair and the flower petal got stuck on it. I didn't mind being alone with nature at all and besides I knew the forest like I knew my brother.
I was staring at the water when I saw a face on the surface. The face looked very similar, I couldn't tell who's it was but I decided to go back to my room.

"Wake up sleepy head!, do you know what time it is Linyuan?!" Shouted Yun
"Yun?...YUN?!, you actually here?" I was so surprised to see my brother after so long. "Of course I'm here Linyuan!, I'm only leaving in four days" he said.
" days? Why so early!" I couldn't imagine living without him he was the only close family I had! "I know, father is still speaking to general Yue and you know who Mu is ?" Yun said trying to cheer me up. "Who?" I replied.
"Mu is the girl I showed you at the market that day, she is general Yue's only daughter and he plans on marrying soon and I want to be the one she marries!"
And with that father called up Yun saying it was time for him to talk with general Yue.
I got dressed and followed them, just then I bumped into Noori.
"Where do you think you're going young man? That's no place for you to be in." She said.
"Why if it isn't our wicked stepmother Noori, well mother I also don't think it's any place for a woman to be in, will you please excuse me." I replied coldly at her and she was about to smack me but I avoided it and that's when I missed it, she stabbed me in the side.
I fell to my knees in agony, the cut was so deep that it bled too much. I looked at her and she left with her hand fan covering her month.
"Well Mo-Linyuan, looks like saving Yun was just your imagination." I said to myself. I wobbled back to room leaving a trail of blood behind me. When I got to my room I tried bandaging the wound myself but ended up making the pain worse.
Na walked in my room shocked to see that the trail of blood had lead her to my room.
"My word your highness, what happened to you ?. It looks so deep!?"
"It's Noori, she stabbed me when I was following Yun." I said
"Why were you following him?! You know you're not old enough to enter general Yue's meetings!"
Well one thing was clear, I didn't care whether I was too young to go or not invited. I just wanted to knock some sense into Yun's head.

Na helped bandage me up and I went on with my goal: GIVING SOME BRAINCELLS TO YUN.
I couldn't just walk in by the front door of the room. I couldn't go in through the windows and I couldn't just stand there. My plan was more complicated than I expected! "Aha !" I said. Of course, I could climb on the room and make a small hole on it. So I decided to go with plan B. I'm telling you it was not so easy climbing up with these useless legs of mine!

"Your majesty Yun as not yet come to age of participating in a war, it might gravely hurt him or even kill him. With all due respect I cannot accept him in the army when I know he is just walking straight to his grave your highness and besides he is the heir to the throne it would be a pity to wait another three years till Mo-Linyuan comes of age to rule." Said general Yue.
"General Yue I appreciate your corncern for me but I have to participate. There's no turning back"said Yun.
There was just no way my ears just heard that?!
"You see general?, my son is determined and ready for battle, so what's the hold up?" Said father.
At this point I wanted to jump and straggle Yun but somehow the roof heard my wish and collapsed beneath me.
All was dusty with the roof's debris, father looked like he would choke me up if I hadn't disappeared, Yun was speechless, and General Yue just caressed his beard.
"I.....Iya... I can explain just don't get angry, please, all of you." I said.
"What are you doing here Linyuan?!" Started Yun.
"Are you a fool?!" Added father.
"Now who's mending my roof young man?" Finished general Yue.
I wanted to jump up and straggle him! I looked at Yun, he looked disappointed and he left. I could tell he was not happy about what I did at all.
" general Yue can I have a moment with my private?" Said father to General Yue.

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