After the car ride, 3 days had passed. The more that name of that artist, he who calls himself "Direct Message Dokuro", lingered in my insane mind, the more I became enamored by him; the more I became interested in covering him; the more I became fascinated at the notion of learning about him.
I spent hours of researching on his digital footprint - or lack thereof since he has the same amount of paranoia concerning his digital footprint as the crossdressing writer William T. Vollmann; not Grayson Perry, however: right personality, wrong genre of art, so to speak and I guess you could say - I scoured and collected dozens of songs, remixes, even stuff that was supposed to have been deleted for personal or otherwise reasons due to his, from what I've heard, explosive personality, from sources local, discreet and public written or co-written by him, and uploaded them to my hard drive for listening for research reasons, and the first track I've listened to was - oh for fuck's sake - "Infestation", but it wasn't spelled that way. No, it was spelt as "1NF3S+@+1ON". But, when I first listened to it, oh, it was electric.
The intricate usage of the Casio Keyboard which I definitely know he used for this song, the bass, the effects, the club-esque beat of the whole, so electrified me, as if I was but a person in a comatose state being defibrillated back to life. That I thought that it was so good, I listened to it some more. It's now a guilty pleasure of mine, what was supposed to be an obscure song for an obscure mod soundtrack for an obscure game, that I hide from my brother. Or so I thought. No, my brother has actually heard of this artist and told me that he makes "bomb-ass bussing beats", and that the track is so popular as well as the mod, the mod soundtrack and the game, both these facts left me dumbstricken.
Continuing on with my "mission", I decided to move on and then listen to a track by from what I've heard from what sources I had - to go find out more information about this track artist - as his nephew, "Pocket Dokuro", his track being titled "BGM 1 (Logical Cover)".
Ah, like uncle, like nephew. That same electrical element which so fulfills and arouses me on a musical - and therefore it is to be supposed - a spiritual and bodily level, was there, it was present, and it hit hard.
Then, for what felt like days which was actually nothing more than 14 hours, I listened to what exists of this strange musici's artistic discography that's available to the public, including me, since I am a part of the public, and was overwhelmed and corrupted by some sort of music addiction, trying to scavenge what is not available, for what I had just witnessed and subjected to myself for research in the name of musical journalism, as the most interesting phenomenon in music electronica, by a fresh, young voice, destined to guide fellow contemporaries, as what I believe to be true, as the world's most talented musical writers I've ever encountered in my years of musical journalism.
Being patient, and after 3 weeks since my music binge, I guess one could say, as well as 3 weeks of corresponding with sources that shall remain discreet, which I can, however, disclose the fact that they are contemporaries who have worked with this strange artist or had worked with him - that have remained steadfast in their pursuit of the arts of the ear - as well as lamenting the fact that I had consumed whatever I could of this artist, which was probably everything I could find, to my great misfortune, I believe I have found it: the real location of Direct Message Dokuro's house.
It's in California, 7 or 8 hours away from where I live.
I'm currently writing this while on the train there.
For privacy and anti-harassment reasons, I cannot and will not disclose the location address.
This artist has had and still has, from what I've heard, bad bad history with harassment due to demands by his frothing "fans" to make the best track he can, and who always expect the best out of him with every single work he publishes out in the wild in order for him to receive their undying loyalty, which probably might not even be worth a fuck: undying loyalty, more like unholy loyalty. I've seen harassment campaigns suffered by people such as Skrillex and Deadmau5, both of whom I've collaborated, before, but not like this. This kind of toxicity mutates and transmogrifies into fanatic zealotry, which is cancerous to those who are patrons of or pursue the arts as a living whole. It is the type of crap that gives succor and lends credence to those fanatics who, as if they are in a cult, judge those - oftentimes in unnecessarily cruel ways - for not having the same knowingness, unconditional love, or die-hard respect that they have for the artists they so sanctimoniously worship, and to that doctrine they have subscribed too inauspiciously. Bullshit doesn't work with serious artists, especially to fans of artists who genuinely like their stuff.
It irks me, it really does. It gives me a kind of sickness, where my face turns incandescent and with a wanting to fall off a cliff. These kinds of "fans" who subscribe to the beliefs wrought by other like-minded "fans" with the same likeness in sick-minded personality who run faux-info Twitter programs with a likening toward German-described "Lügenpresse" with opinions so untoward, wanton and idiotic- just bullshit! Are so nauseated by their own sick lies! That they warrant an immediate remedy, until they end up inane by their own ravings, which by this point as I see DM Dokuro's "fans" who yearn for his very best of works in order for them to pay him their steadfast respect and attention, is already too late for such a humanitarian resort.
I get that people bullshit the artist for banter with their friends. Believe me, I've done my fair share. But Christ in heaven, I've never seen bullshit so brusque and taken seriously before, not as banter or guy or girl talk, but as gospel. These people are hopeless, truly hopeless. What a pity; I would've liked to have tried to understand these people, if not for my desire that they be sent to a torture chamber by cruel nomadic mercenaries and narcs.
If they're on something, and I know it's not purely bullshit, even though for some people that is the case, I'd bribe every narcopolitician to get my hands on what they're on; it sounds fantastical. Fun, generic euphoria, and straight fantasy. Because that is what they people are asking for from this poorly-treated musici: fantasy - something that doesn't exist.
He is not a robot, and while I'd like to think that some people are better than others at specific tasks, as I'd like to think, especially in the Socratic way of thinking about how a society should exist socio-politically, people are not perfect. Yet they ask the best and the perfect-est of himself: stop it. You're only doing a favor by deleting your account and downing a cup of mosquito spray and drowning yourself in the toilet if that is what you use your YouTube account for. It's scummy, and small-minded.
Anyway, enough of me ranting. We should be there in his place in a few hours, I suppose.
Music Thesis
FanficWhat is music? Is it a combination of notes? Is it a collection of parts that are more flexibly and dynamically fulfilling as a conglomerated whole than the sum of its parts? Is it supposed to be enjoyed as a form of entertainment that is technical...