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Like the absolute dumbass you are, you went with Lumine to find a way out of Sumeru. She had planned out everything, apparently. You had no idea where she was taking you, but you trusted her.

The most discreet way would be through Gandharva Ville. Oh, maybe you'd see Tighnari and Collei? You mentioned it to her, but she immediately shut down the idea. 'The less interaction, the better.' How boring.

A nagging feeling in your head was telling you to be suspicious. But Lumine hasn't failed you once before, why would she now?


"Wait up! Your Holiness—"

You heard Collei shout from somewhere in the forest. Lumine grabbed your hand and started running, you desperately stumbled after.

"Hey! Lumine, slow down!"

She just kept running, you didn't understand why she was so adamant on not talking to anyone. You were fumbling trying to keep up, boy was she fast.

Collei was running after just as fast, seemed like she had something important to say.

You tripped and fell, unable to keep up with Lumine's pace. You felt a nasty pain in your ankle, and landed on a rock, cutting open your leg.


Lumine instantly stopped and went to check on you. You were bleeding out your ugly ass golden blood and Lumine started to panic.

"Ohmygod— I am so sorry, are you okay!?"

Collei caught up to you two. She audibly gasped from the cut.

"Does it look like they're okay, their leg is cut open!? We have to take them back to Tighnari!"

Lumine hesitated, looked back at your bleeding condition and agreed to take you back. You rode on her back with some of Collei's help.


"Oh my Celestia.. What the fuck happened." Tighnari sighed.

"I tripped."

"That's a nasty cut.. once the adrenaline runs off that's gonna hurt real bad. Collei, get the painkillers please."

Collei went off to get some medicinal herbs. Lumine stayed right next to you, impatiently.

"Lumine, you're going to have to step outside. The medicine I'm about to use has a very pungent smell and gas. I remember that you were sensitive to this kind of stuff so it's best you don't inhale it."

Lumine begrudgingly left you two alone. You waited for him to pull out any kind of medicine but he didn't.

"Your excellency. Me and Collei are acting in your best interests when we say this: do not trust Lumine. There is something very wrong going on with her right now."

You blinked. Huh?

"Amber informed Collei that her friend 'Mona' did a scry on her. She cannot be trusted. And from the way she's acting right now, I believe her to be completely correct." he explained.

"I mean.. her behaviour has been somewhat suspicious. But she's my closest friend. I have every reason to trust her and not you."

"We can stall for time, you should try and get the truth out of her.."

"Okay.. but can I actually get painkillers now? My leg is actually starting to hurt now—"

"Right. Collei has medicine that will slow down the process of your healing. It should buy you some time."

(real ones know that amber sent it to her in a previous chapter)


In the middle of the night, Lumine came to wake you up. She shook you awake and you drearily looked at her.

"They've treated you now. You must be fully healed, right? We should go now.."

"Uh. No? Not until you explain why you've been acting so suspicious." you accused.

"You said you trusted me." she responded.

"Well not right now!" you exclaimed, "What's going on?"

"I can't explain. Just come with me. I promise you'll be safe."

"One more day, then we can go, okay? My leg is still healing right now." you bargained.

"Fine. One more day."


"Why won't you let me see them?" Lumine asked aggressively.

"You don't need to. They're resting."

"It's not like their leg is gone, it's just cut.. not even enough to need stitches." she complained. She very obviously wanted to leave with you as soon as possible.

"It's important you take care of it nonetheless. If they went adventuring with you now, theres a good chance it could've gotten infected." he made clear.

From inside the room, Collei and you could hear them arguing. It got pretty personal too..

"The more I hear, the more I don't think you should trust her." Collei told you.

"What's gotten into her? She was fine a few days ago.."

"To be completely honest, Master Tighnari hasn't been acting normal either. Ever since you came yesterday he's been really out of it all.." Collei mentioned.

"But I guess thats what happens when you find the Divine Creator bleeding out golden ichor on your doorstep." she suggested.


Collei gave you some herbal tea to drink, you sat with Lumine and drank it. It tasted bitter so she gave you some sweet flower essence to sweeten it. It tasted a little off than usual.

"I can't wait to get out of here." she groaned.

"Really? I think it's comfortable.", you felt yourself grow tired and laid your head in your arms. You felt yourself drifting into a forceful sleep. You tried to stand up, staggering. Your head was spinning.

Lumine caught you as you fell unconscious. You heard some muffled shouting, and being carried off somewhere. It hurt too much to think, your head couldn't sustain it. Every and all thoughts faded from your head.


throws up cries and sobs

i cant believe this story is almost finished the fuck??? for the ending im planning to leave it somewhat open for a recontinue once more lore in genshin is dropped but yeah

i need a break from this so i can focus on smth else.. automation is feeling neglected


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