The End

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Lily and Iroha wrestled to the ground, each of them trying to one-up the other. Iroha pinned Lily to the floor and lifted her catlike glove, extracting three claws from within it.

"You will never escape from me! You and your friends are mine!" Iroha swiped her claw at Lily, but Lily shoved her off just in time to avoid getting scratched. The blonde lifted her sharp stick and jabbed it at Iroha, forcing her to scamper back. Her aerobic capabilities were impressive, but not great to fight against.

Lily stabbed her stick outward when she saw an opening, but Iroha swiped her claws at the exact same time. In the blink of an eye, the sharp end of the stick slipped clean off, rendering Lily's weapon useless. Lily stared blankly at the hunched-over wild cat, who now had both claws visible. She chuckled nervously, then took off running. Iroha chased after her.

Relying on her survival instincts to keep her running faster than Iroha, Lily sprinted across the hallway until she finally saw an opening in the wall. Thankfully, the ruins were so old the building was beginning to fall apart. She prepared her knees and lifted herself off the ground, leaping through the open wall and landing outside in the wilderness. Iroha stayed on her trail, leaping out of the wall behind her. Lily did not have time to catch her breath, since she immediately had to start running again.

Lily really wished she had a roomba to ride on as she ran full-speed through the forest. She almost lost a sense of her surroundings, only wanting to survive and nothing more. She almost failed to comprehend the hedges nearby, which marked the path to the Fountain of Diolacov. She supposed it made sense for the builders of the now-ruins to house themselves close to the fountain.

Changing direction to run along the hedges, the blonde escapee tried her best not to look back at the red-haired feral girl behind her. Lily knew Iroha was under a curse, and she had an idea to bring her friend back to reality, but she didn't know if she would survive long enough to bring it into fruition.

"I'll... get... you...!" Iroha threatened, gaining on Lily as she moved closer to the fountain. The two of them ran through the hedges and reached the fields of flowers, but neither of them took the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Lily only wanted to reach the fountain, and she needed to do it before Iroha caught up to her.

When Lily finally reached the front of the Fountain of Diolacov, Iroha grabbed her from behind and wrestled her to the ground once again.

When Lily finally reached the front of the Fountain of Diolacov, Iroha grabbed her from behind and wrestled her to the ground once again

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"Ah! Let me go! Get off of me!" Lily tried to shake the attacker, but Iroha scratched and swung her paws at Lily. Lily howled in pain when Iroha succeeded in scratching her across the face. Three large claw marks spread across Lily's face, and if she saw herself in a mirror, she likely would have screamed. Not harking on her pain or appearance for long, Lily pushed upwards and tried to get a grip on Iroha.

The two fought in hand to hand combat and slowly backed up closer to the fountain. When she had the prime opportunity, Lily backed away and charged. Iroha prepared to defend herself, but Lily tackled her and brought her into the fountain with her.

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