Chapter 6

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Samantha and I walked along a street in silence. I was anxious to see where we were going, whenever  Samantha smiled like the way she did before we left, she always has some sort of evil plan in her mind. I looked over at her, she was looking ahead and her eyes stayed distant, but they seemed sad. What was going to happen? 

We arrived downtown and I looked around trying to figure out where we were going. She walked up to a building that was looking down on us, the brick was a shade of orange that reminded me of cat puke and I noticed how the green paint chipped from the door. Samantha pulled the door open and we walked in. Instantly, the smell of pee and marijuana snaked its way up my nostrils. 

"Why are we here?" I asked, a little nervous.

"Do you remember the guy we met at the mall, Tyler? Well he invited us to a small party at his house, he's eighteen so we have to be cool." She kept looking forward, never meeting my eyes. "If anyone notices how fat you are, just play it off as a big lunch or something, I don't want you to make me look bad."

I looked at the floor, it was weird how I haven't gotten used to all of the things that Samantha says to me. Of course she was right, I do make her look bad. Still, being friends with Samantha is getting harder. 

The door in front of us was stained with a weird brown liquid, my mind raced to figure out what it was and I despretely tried to ignore the strong chemical smell. Samantha knocked and the door opened to reveal Tyler, he looked the same, smug, but his eyes were red. 

"Oh, hi. Great to see you," He looked up her body, his eyes resting on her breasts without being discreet, "Who is your friend?"

"This is Alice." She said looking at me with a warning, how am I already doing something wrong?

"She's hot, but you are hotter. Come on in." Tyler put his arm out to lead us in.

People were sprawled out on the floor, a thick smoke hovered just below the ceiling and the inside of the apartment was even more disgusting than the hallway. The carpet was covered in tinfoil and plastic baggies, the furniture was covered in food wrappers and dirty clothes. I stood just in front of the door, it was almost as if the ground was contaminated. 

"Come here." Tyler sat next to a girl a little older than us with thin brown hair that fell down past her shoulders. "This is Janaya, she's a friend." 

Janaya looked up at us with big eyes, they were bloodshot but sad. I wanted to put my arms around her and hold her, just to make those big eyes happy. "Hi."

Samantha sat and I followed her, Tyler brought out a piece of tin foil. "Have you ever tried cocaine?" He asked.

"Of course," Samantha replied, I looked over at her in disbelief, "She hasn't though."

Tyler and Samantha laughed a cruel laugh and I looked around, noticing that everyone was smoking from the tinfoil. Looking back, I watched as Tyler handed Samantha the tinfoil, which he filled up with some with crystals.

"Breathe in slowly and not too much, hold it in for as long as you can." He watched her as she put her mouth to one of the ends of the pipe-shaped metal. Tyler held a lighter under the crystals and they started to smoke. She breathed in and squinted her eyes, trying to stifle a cough, she looked around and noticed that everyone was watching her.

The pipe was passed around to Janaya and she breathed some of the smoke in. It seemed really natural for her to be doing it, I was guessing that she had done it a lot already. She offered it to me and I looked over at Samantha. Her eyes were threatening and I felt conflicted. I have never wanted to do drugs, ever, but at that moment, I felt like saying yes.

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