List of Characters and Decriptions

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General overview and short description of the biblical characters.

-Adam: The first man, husband of Eve. He was created by God out of dust. Adam sinned when he ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

-Eve: The first woman, wife of Adam. Created by God from Adam's rib. Eve sinned when she ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

-Noah: At God's command, Noah built an ark to save himself, his family, and the animals from a flood that was sent to wipe out humanity.

-Abraham: The founding father of Israel. He was a model of faith in God, who promised him the land of Canaan and the legacy of being the father of a great nation.

-Sarah: The wife of Abraham. She was infertile, but God enabled her to give birth to Isaac in her older age.

-Isaac: One of the patriarchs of Israel. His birth was miraculous because his mother, Sarah, was infertile and was ninety years old. His children were Jacob and Esau.

-Rebekah: A member of Abraham's extended family. She married Isaac and had twin boys: Jacob and Esau.

-Jacob: Also called "Israel", Jacob was another patriarch of the Israelite nation. He had twelve sons, whose descendants formed the twelve tribes of Israel.

-Leah: Unloved wife of Jacob and sister of Rachel. She struggled with her situation, but came to trust in God as she gave birth to six sons and a daughter.

-Rachel: Beloved wife of Jacob and sister of Leah. Her infertility caused strife between her and her sister. However, God eventually blessed her with two sons; Joseph and Benjamin.

-Joseph: Jacob's favorite son. His jealous brother sold him into slavery, but he rose to prominence in Egypt and brought his family to live there during a famine.

-Moses: Used by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Moses was God's spokesman to the people and gave them the Law.

-Joshua: Succeeded Moses and led the Israelites' conquest of Canaan.

-Deborah: One of Israel's judges (leaders who brought deliverance from foreign oppressors). She ordered Barak to move against Sisera's army but predicted that Sisera himself would be killed by a woman.

-Gideon: One of Israel's judges. Using unorthodox tactics commanded by God, he reluctantly led the Israelites to victory against their Midianite oppressors.

-Samson: One of Israel's judges. God gave him superhuman strength. He had a lifelong rivalry with the Philistines, whom he defeated at the cost of his own life.

-Ruth: A Moabite woman who lived during the time of the judges. After her Israelite husband died, she left her homeland to return to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. She became the great-grandmother of King David.

-Samuel: A great prophet and the last judge of Israel. He anointed Saul and David as Israel's kings.

-Saul: The first king of Israel. His repeated disobedience to God during his reign led to its ignominious end. He was succeeded by David, whom he repeatedly tried to kill.

-David: The second king of Israel, father of Solomon. David was devoted to God, and Israel flourished under him, but his reign was marred by his adultery with Bathsheba.

-Nathan: A prophet during David's rule. Nathan supported David but confronted him about his adultery with Bathsheba.

-Bathsheba: David committed adultery with her and then murdered her husband, Uriah. Bathsheba then married David, and later she gave birth to Solomon.

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