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"Wait so you knew Abby was a real person?" Eddie asks, leaning back into her couch.

Noelle chuckles as she hands him a beer, "Yes, Her mom was my mom's patient."  She answers, taking a seat next to him.

"I always thought Buck just made her up."

"From what my mom said, she went to Europe for little bit and then Arizona." Noelle informs, looking through a box.

"Question, Do you really think summer camp is right for Christopher?"

Noelle places a book onto the coffee table, "Actually I do; He'll make new friends and have a lot of fun."

"You, a children's ER doctor, agree with camp?"

She nods nods, "Yes, It's good for their social skills and any skill they teach them." She answers, pulling  a notebook from the box. "You're just nervous because the two of you haven't been apart from each other in a long time."

"Think so?"

"My mom was the same way when I went to dance camp for the first time. Can't tell you how many time she'd ask 'Are you sure you want to go? I can take time off and we can do whatever you want'.  If it wasn't for my dad, I don't think she would've let me go."

"What if something happens there? What if-"

Noelle stops and looks at him., " He's gonna be okay. It is only going to be two weeks of camp, where you can call him at anytime." She said, softly. "It's okay to be concerned, but don't let that rob him of opportunities and memories."

"You're right."

"I know I am," She said before giving him a quick kiss.

"What's with the notebooks?" Eddie asks, noticing the small pile.

"I'm giving Hen my notes and study guides to the MCAT." She answers, organizing the pile. "I think i may  have one more book in another box. I'm gonna go check." Noelle shoots up and quickly walks into the spare room. A room that was suppose to be an office/guest room ended up being a storage closet. Eventually she'll get around to changing it, but storage is more important.

"Need any help?" Eddie asks, appearing in the doorway.

Noelle shook her head, "I'm sure I can find it."

"What's this?" Eddie reaches in one of the open boxes and pulls out an old picture of Noelle. She couldn't have been no older than 10 with her ballet leotard and a Cheshire Cat smile on her face. "You look so adorable."

"Thank you." She blushes, "I actually need to sort through that to figure out what pictures I want to frame."

"This should be one of them." He held up a picture of Noelle and Carla on the day of her wedding. Their foreheads pressed against each other with a smile on each of their faces.

Noelle smiles, "That's actually one of my favorite pictures." She confesses, pulling out the book she was looking for. "I think this should be good for her."

Eddie chuckles before placing the photo back into the box. He walks up to her and gives her a kiss before wrapping his arms around her waist. "Now that you've found your book, we can have some us time." His lips pressed her neck, making her giggle like a little school girl.

"Eddie, We ordered food." She giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We still have a few minutes." He said, as he began sucking on her neck. As the two were getting turned on, her door buzzer went off; bringing out an annoyed Eddie.

She laughs, "You go get that, and I'll you meet you in the living room." She gave him a quick peck before watching him huff off. She quickly makes her way into her bedroom and changes into a silk robe. They can alway heat up the food, she thought as she made her way to the living room.

The door opens, "Dinner is here." Eddie said, before closing the door behind him.

"Eddie," He looks over to see Noelle standing with a robe covering her. The two kept eye contact as the fabric slowly slid off her body and hit the floor. His eyes wandered her naked body. "If you want it, come and get it."

With no hesitation, Eddie places the bag of food on the floor and began stripping down. Noelle giggles as he walks over towards her. She instantly shoves him onto the couch; throwing him off guard. "I think I like this Noelle."


It was the next day, and there was knock at Noelle's apartment door. Eddie's eyes shoot open then glances over at a sleeping Noelle. He smiles before slowly getting out of her bed.

The knocking continues, "Hold on." Eddie answers, rubbing his eyes. He quickly grabs his shorts from the living room floor and puts them on. He walks over to the door and opens it.


His eyes go wide as he looks at Carla. "Hey," He greets nervously.

"What are you doing here this early? In only shorts?" Carla questions, walking into the apartment.

"I can explain." He said,

"Babe, who was the door?" Noelle asks, appearing from her room with only a t-shirt.

"Your mom." Carla answers, gaining a shocked expression from her daughter.


"How long has this been going on?" Carla asks, taking a seat at the kitchen island.

The couple share a look before looking back at Carla. "Almost 7 months." Noelle answers. "But it was my idea not to say anything."

"7 months?!"

"We didn't know how you'd react." Eddie chimes in.

"Honestly neither one of us thought this would've happened." Noelle adds. "It just sorta happened."

Carla looks at Eddie then at her daughter. A smile appears on her lips. "I sorta had a hunch you guys were an item."

The couple both raise a brow, "You did?"

"Yes, I am your mother after all." Carla chuckles, "I'm happy for the both of you."

Noelle smiles, "Thank you."


"Oh we are so proud of you, Baby." Athena said, looking at her high school graduate.

"My little girl, ready to start a new chapter." Michael adds. "You have your whole life ahead of you."

"So do you dad." May teases, making everyone laugh.

Michael hugs his daughter, then reaches for his glass. "All right! All right!" He raises the glass in the air,  "To the graduate of 2020" The room erupted in cheers and celebration for May. The music began playing and the party began.

"Cap, Can I talk to you for a minute?" Eddie asks.

Bobby nods, and brings him into the kitchen area. "What's up?"

"When did you know that you wanted to marry Athena?" He asks.

"You're thinking about marrying Noelle?"

"It's been crossing my mind lately." Eddie looks over at the Photo Booth, where Noelle and Christopher were making funny faces for the camera. "Christopher loves her just as much as I do."

"If you feel like you can't spend the rest of your life without her, then go for it. There's no timeline for falling in love." Bobby answers.

"Eddie, Come take a picture with us!" Noelle said, waving him over.

"Yeah, Daddy. Come take a picture." Christopher co-signs.

Eddie smiles then looks over at Bobby. "I-

"We'll talk later." Bobby said, before returning back to the party. Eddie gives a nod before walking over to the photo booth.


A/N: Random question: Do you guys want a spicy EddieXNoelle chapter? I've been tempted to do one and I'm truly on the fence about it. Comment and let me know.

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