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Drarry Kids - Draco Lucius Malfoy Potter/ Harry James Potter

Name - Teddy (Edward) Lupin Potter {Adoptive}
Age - 18
Hogwarts Year - Graduated

Name - Scorpius Hyperion Potter
Age - 13
Hogwarts Year - 3rd
House - Slytherin 

Name - James Severus Potter
Aged - 11
Hogwarts Year - First
House - Gryffindor

Name - Lily Narcissa Potter
Age - 8
Hogwarts Year - N/A

Ronmione Kids - Ronald Billius Weasly/ Hermione Jean Granger Weasley

Name - Rose Granger Weasley
Age - 11
Hogwarts Year - 1st
House - gryffindor

Name - Hugo Granger Weasley
Age - 7
Hogwarts Year - N/A

All the kids and adults (Adult Harry, Draco,Ron,Hermione etc) are from 2016.

P.S - Don't worry older Draco doesn't look like the way they portrayed him in the movies they did him so dirty.

P.P.S - They are in fifth year but Umbridge doesn't exsist here though voldemort does, everything else will be same as the Harry Potter story line except for some additional changes i make.

Edit - i know albus severus potter is not under the list, that i because there is tiny bit of scorbus in the story and we dont support incest here

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