Midnight talk

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"Harry, Draco you sure you dont wanna sleep together?" Pansy asked wiggling her eyebrows, hermione smirked "yeah that would be better wouldn't it?" she said narrowing her eyes. Harry felt that his face was on fire "No we dont shut up you two" He said.

"I am sure draco wants to" Pansy said reffering to draco who was setting up the blankets on the beds but was clearly eavesdropping "huh? what?" he acted innocent. "share a bed with harry" pansy said.

"What?! no way pansy" he said "huh you two are dumb cmon ignite the fire" she said dramatically. "what the hell do you mean by that?" Draco narrowed his eyes and pansy did a expression '👌👈' smirking.

Hermione laughed loudly and harry went red and covered his face. "fuck off" he muttered and chucked pansy with a pillow. She laughed in response.

After some time Ron along with the kids came back, lily ran to draco and jumped in his arms "father i brushed my teeth" she said showing her teeth. Draco slightly chuckled and patted Lily's head.
(Idk bout y'all but i love the fatherly pats)

"Ooooo where did the beds come from" James asked looking around at ten four poster beds that were neatly placed in a row along the wall.

"It's called the room of requirement for a reason james" rose said rolling her eyes.

"Bloody hell she really is a mini you" ron muttered from hermione's side who smacked his arm.

After about half an hour everybody was tucked in their respective beds though Hugo wanted to sleep with Hermione who wasn't able to deny the adorable 7 year old.

"But i want to sleep with both of you" she said to Draco and Harry, both were avoiding each other's eye contact. "Er lily dear, how about you sleep with one of us today?" Draco said awkwardly but lily shook her head aggressively.

"Cmonn Draco, she's your daughter, her wish should be your command" pansy said smirking from her bed. "Shush pansy" Draco hissed at her.

"Aunty pansy also agrees please dadddyyy, fatherrrr" lily said giving Draco and Harry her best puppy doll face. Merlin's beard she really was draco's daughter, as cunning as a fox.

Hermione chuckled "whatchu gonna do now harry"

Ron sniggered, James made a coughing noise whilst Scorpius and Rose face palmed.

"I-" Draco started "fine i guess" harry spoke up. Draco looked at his direction, whilst harry refused to look at his.

"If-if that's fine with Draco" he muttered. Draco whose face felt hot, cleared his throat.

"Yeah um okay"

"Yesss!" Lily and pansy screamed together.

And that is how they found themselves tucked in bed. Together. Well with lily but they were still on either side of her.

Pansy swished her wand and switched off the lights. Draco and Harry both had a hand on Lily's stomach from either side patting her to make sure she sleeps.

During the process harry and draco's fingers touched, alot. And neither of them seemed to mind.

They were glad that it was dark and no-one could see their red faces.

After about an hour lily was comfortably sleeping and so were the other children. Draco got up on his elbow and looked at harry and Lily's sleeping face. The moonlight shined bright on their faces through the window and Draco couldn't help but feel warm.

He smiled a little and got out of bed, making his way to the side window nook. He sat quietly and stargazed thinking about the wild future mother nature has planned out for him.

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