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A/N: Please note that sexual content will be a theme in this book. It is mentioned casually, and so is violence, blood and gore. Please note that 90% of this book will take place in a Mental Asylum and that Mental Health Issues will be a constant and consistent theme in this book. It is dark. It is not the Twilight that you know and love. This Alternate Universe is very much different and as such, things wont be the same and characters and events may change. 

They are strapped to the bed in a sterile white room, arms and legs restrained by thick leather straps around their wrists and ankles. They stare at the ceiling, their eyes unfocused and expression blank, but they know the man knows that his presence is going ignored on purpose. It must have been a show of stubbornness, their true nature shining through.

The doctor walked in, carrying a newspaper where, in big black block letters, "Man Calls the Coroner for Himself" sticks out from under his arm. He looks at them, his expression unreadable as his free hand comes to a rest on the side of their headboard.

"Do you know why you're here?" he asked.

However, they don't respond. The doctor sighed and walked to the end of the bed, skimming through the newspaper.

"It says here that a 'man called the coroner for himself'," the doctor says, not expecting an answer. "It must have been quite a shock seeing you after you were declared dead not thirty minutes before.."

But they still don't respond. The doctor sat the newspaper down and pulled out a chart. He scanned it for a moment before looking up at them once more.

"What's your name?" He inquired a few moments after, but they don't see a point in answering anymore. He has their file, he can see for himself. But, a little voice in the back of their head remarks, you can't remember now, can you? Shifting slightly, their mouth curls downward more, a sour taste emanating from the back of their mouth as their jaw clenched. How long has it been? Certainly not long enough for them to forget. It was almost within reach, like it was on the tip of their tongue, but still out of reach no matter how hard they tried to remember.

"It says here your name is Mary Alice Brandon," he said then, his voice cold and matter-of-fact, having clearly had enough of their little game.

That however, made their eyes flicker up to him, expression still blank. The doctor sighed again and sat the chart aside. Silence fell over the room. If he'd been expecting more of a reaction, he wasn't about to get one right away.

But the name had struck a chord in them. And in the deep blankness of their mind, a memory rose and tugged at their subconscious, begging to be acknowledged. If computers had been around then, they'd bet good money that their brain would have sounded like a fax machine in that moment, processing the new information with a mechanical type of precision.

Then after a few moments, their lips curled up into a smile, then a husky, broken chuckle exited their mouth from days of misuse. It was a weak sound, pathetic in nature but then the chuckle grew into a hoarse laugh, then an almighty cackle that seemed to echo in the dark, damp of their cell. And in the deep crevasse of their mindscape, a story unfolded and in disbelief, they barely realized that their mask of steel had fallen so far and a vulnerability as immense as this was showing on their face. And so they laughed. They laughed so hard that tears started streaming down their face. It went on for a long time but the doctor just watched then pulled out a large needle with a syringe filled with a clear fluid. He held it up for them to see, but they just laughed harder, their body shaking with the force of the hysteria they felt. Their body strained against the restraints and it wasn't long before they felt a pin prick in the corner of their elbow and their laughter slowly began to fade into breathy snickers. And on the edges of the calamity, they watched as the doctor looked upon them with sad eyes and left the room, vision blurring into darkness as reality came crashing down upon them. 

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