7.) Construction Jumping - Deku Angst (BkDk)

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TW: suicide attempt, S/H, suicidal thoughts

Deku POV
The dorms were currently under construction as we were about to enter our second  year at UA. I was excited for them to be done at first but my mother had recently fallen ill. Just last week she passed away and I didn't tell anyone, I didn't want anyone to know. I didn't want anyone to pity me or see me any differently than they did before.

I'd been living at the dorms even though they are under construction. The buildings are missing some pieces but I have to make it work but I have no where else to go since my house is gone. I've barely been able to get any sleep recently since the construction keeps me up most of the night. But so does the fear of falling off, I soon felt tears start to stream down my face again.

My depression has been getting worse recently and I haven't been able to shower or eat much since the change and my self harm habits have picked up again. I glance down at my legs and roll up my shorts to reveal countless red and purple cuts, some new some old.

The difference being my mom is no longer here, my biggest support, one of the only reasons I kept going, kept pushing myself, was because of her. Tears now drenched my face as I stared up into the sky of the evening stars. I used to love the night time sky, it was just so calming and peaceful to look up at. The cool wind is now blowing through my hair and I love the feeling if I'm being honest.

I grabbed my bag and grabbed a few sleeping pills and swallowed them with a sip of bottled water. I sighed as I tried to close my eyes but the pills didn't do much to help with my insomnia if I'm being honest, but I guess they can't hurt. I felt the boredom hit me as I closed my eyes again and I elected to ignore it at first. But I eventually gave up and sat up right on the stiff wooden board, it seems like a sketchy area to be sleeping in but I don't have much choice.

At least up here I'm safe from villains and criminals trying to take my stuff or me. UA gave me protection, even though I am not even supposed to be here. The area is a bit unsafe where I chose to lay my head to rest but I exhausted my other options rather quickly. I stood up and walked down another board to bring myself closer to the edge of the semi-completed structure. I looked over it, contemplating my next moves.

I heavily thought about just throwing myself over the metal frame of a future wall. Who was here to stop me. I took a deep breath as I pushed myself toward and off the wall.

Bakugou POV
I can't believe I had stupid fucking homework I had to pick up from the old man. I get he has no sleep schedule but doesn't mean he gets to fuck with mine. It is already 11:36 pm and I'm still out. I grumble as I begin walking past the 2nd year dormitory building that is currently under construction but suddenly, I hear a strange noise so I look up. Holy shit, is there somebody up there??

Oh my god are they jumping off of that. Are they fucking stupid they could die from shit like that. I dropped my stuff as I rushed over to the predicted area of their fall. I used my explosions to shoot my self up into the cold air.

Once I reached the person, I grabbed them without looking at them and we both started plummeting toward the ground. I used one arm to hold them tight and the other to make explosions big enough to keep us in the air, but small enough to lower us continuously and safely to the ground. When we finally reached the cold pavement I sighed.

"Are you out of your fucking mind extra? Why would you-" I started to lecture the person in my arms until I looked down at their face. It was fucking Izuku Midoriya.

"Deku??" I stammered in disbelief. "Why the hell were you up there damn nerd?" I questioned him, but I then noticed his red tear stained face look away from me when I asked him. He refused to meet my eyes so I grabbed his chin and forced eye contact between us.

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