Chapter Six

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    When the sun goes down its dull lover, the moon rises up so that she will not be overshadowed by her counterpart. Like any other day, the moon rose with the setting of the sun. The moon wasn't beautiful nor was it powerful like it's better half that never ceased to shine any less brighter than before. Many celestial and divine beings that hoped to enchant the fierce ruler were shunned as he made his way to the inconspicuous. He wished for her hand but she knew of her worth and proposed a condition to him that she must receive atleast one third of his authority. Expectant to be rejected was her but to her surprise she has received her demanded authority. And they were betrothed as husband and wife, of day and night and they bore eight children.

This story too was something Yuuji heard from the neighborhood. The mother lulled her children to sleep when their father's reign ceased to exist for the time being. Yuuji has always been fascinated by the stories the grandma said. It was a shame she left the mortal realm to join the eternal Heavens. He missed her presence, the soft caresses, her gentle voice, the stories she told him and the neighborhood children.. ultimately, he missed her.

As serene as the early winter was she..

A beautiful woman

The night fell and the moon came into his view shining neither brightly nor was it dull. The moon has always been a symbol of purity and calmness but to Yuuji she wasn't, seemingly what others deemed to believe. Her face looked frantic as though she was scared, unhinged as she stood there wishing for someone to pull out the mask and put her out of misery. She was in pain feeling as though only Yuuji was able to understand her. To him, the moon was a mother and that she was warning him of the hidden dangers set out for him. He was aware that she knew he was aware.

Itadori Yuuji must face head on. Even if it was grinding, he must not falter.

Once again he found himself facing the sculpture wondering as to why he was here infront of the Ryomen Sukuna. His hand has a mind of its own. Yuuji felt the carvings on the stone walls beside the ominous figure trying to grasp in the contents. The surface was rough as expected making it hard for yuuji to trace the carvings. Those were not the writings of his era. If the eyes could not decipher, then, the hands must.. but it pricked. The ashened stone tasted the metal as it trickled down and he brought it to his mouth. What's done was done. Yuuji had tainted the holy grounds with his blood. He did not rush to clean the stain, instead took to staring back and forth from the inscriptions and the God wondering if the marble would suddenly move its intact limbs to squash him to the ground splashing his blood all over like a roach when stamped upon. Perhaps, maybe he'll be possessed by the army of the undead, or, mayhaps be burnt to smithereens.. or maybe nothing might happen. No one has seen the demon in flesh, or atleast none lived to tell the tale. Either of it may be the case but the feeling of an animal's burning gaze boring through his petit self did not vanish. For the first time he yearned for someone's protection. Given the circumstances it was Sukuna, an oddly comforting presence which was quite abhorrent.

Afterall, no sane being would seek comfort from the God of Curses, the harbinger of death.

But the Itadori child was an exception for he was no ordinary child. Too cursed to be a human and not cursed enough to be a curse. Belonging nowhere as he went..

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