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𝐈𝐭 was the day before the first day of school. My room smelled of fresh summer air and new school supplies. Most kids must dread the first day of school, but for me, school was all I had. I had always been smart. Like, super smart. If it wasn't that way, I would've probably been disowned. My mom is batshit about being perfect. I mean, it's all she ever has been. So, she expects the same from me.
My mom was my only parent. I never had a dad, he left when I was young. So I basically relied on my mom, she was all I had to trust. I knew the way she treated me wasn't right, but I had to live with her one way or another, so may as well become the spitting image of her. I was sitting on my bed, checking over my school supplies for the 30th time. I guess you could say I was lonely. I had friends, and was pretty popular, but I never really cared for being close to them. Most of them were fake anyway. But somehow, a lot of people liked me. I guess I was nice, and smart, and let people cheat off me. I was pretty, my mom made sure of it. I may hate her sometimes, but I hardly ever get denied something. I mean, I deserve it. I only ever do what she tells me. I wake up at 6:00 am, get ready, go on a walk, go to ballet, read, play outside, sometimes with friends when I'm allowed, eat dinner, read again, and go to bed. I guess you could say that's boring, but I'm only 12. I'm going into 7th grade tomorrow, and while others might be thinking about boys and friends, my mom has made it clear that this year is strictly about school. We'll see, I usually listen to her.
We're pretty wealthy, my mom has a very good job, and my grandparents are rich too. I have my outfit picked out. I decided to shower in the morning, knowing that I'll have enough time. It was now around 9:45 pm, and I decided to go to bed. I set my alarm and said my prayers before imagining how the day would go tomorrow.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐏!!— 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.

𝐈 woke up to the sound of my loud alarm going off. The fresh air blew through the window into my room as I glanced at the clock. 5:00 am. Some might say this is way too early, but I need time okay!!! Some might call me a perfectionist.
The soft cotton sheets rubber against my freshly shaved legs and I stood up from the bed, resisting the urge to go back to bed. I did some stretches to wake myself up, and then walked to the bathroom to get my day started. I looked at my neatly folded clothes sitting on my dresser, I smiled at my preparation for this. I love being organized. I skipped off my pajamas and started my very hot shower. I stepped in and felt the burning water hit my back, hot showers always calmed my nerves. After washing my hair and body, I got out and washed my face and did the rest of my skincare. I wrapped the soft gray towel around me and began working on my hair. I decided to put it in rollers, it always looked good that way. After about half an hour, my hair was neatly wrapped in the velcro rollers. Then I began putting on some light makeup, like blush and mascara. I topped it off with my favorite lipgloss and walked over to my dresser and grabbed my outfit. It was time to take out my rollers, so I did that and fluffed them out nicely.After putting it on I put on some deodorant and sprayed my signature sweet perfume. I looked good!

Outfit & hair😊😊change if u don't like obvi!!

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Outfit & hair😊😊change if u don't like obvi!!

I walked downstairs to see my mother, sitting at the counter and eating her breakfast. She made me eggs and bacon thankfully, I was starving. I ate, taking my time and thanking myself for waking up early. Then, it was time to grab my backpack and head to the car.

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟕𝟐𝟎

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