𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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𝐀fter the short drive to school, the Jacob's white  Mercedes pulled up to Trailview Middle School

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𝐀fter the short drive to school, the Jacob's white  Mercedes pulled up to Trailview Middle School. Most of the ride, was driven in comfortable silence, with the quiet radio playing in the back. The other part was her mother talking about her expectations for this year. As they were driving, London realized there's something she craved so much from her mother that she never got. Validation. She was never told "I'm proud of you.", or even a "Good job!". Usually it was her mother critiquing her on what she could do better. It was on this drive, London Jacobs decided to do whatever the fuck she wanted this year. Her mother had her childhood already, it was her turn now. She would never be fully proud of her anyway. London waved her mother goodbye and told her she loved her, before looking for some friends at the entrance of the school. She saw Heather and her friends, and soon they made eye contact and she was waved over. London had always liked them, they were nice to her. The one she has been closest to was always Connie. She was nice and funny and usually not a cunt. Her mom would kill her for saying that.
She gave the popular girls and pretended to care about what they did over the summer, who they got with, etc. She saw Maya Ishii Peters and her friend Anna Kone. They were weird but funny so people like to mess with them, London felt bad but like any follower in middle school, she either laughed along or ignored it. She gave the girls smiles, sympathizing for them as they waved to her.
𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐯.
"Oh my god Connie M and London J are totally friends with Heather now..." Anna said, watching the three laugh together. "Oh my god it's true they're ginormous!" Maya said in awe, staring at Connie's boobs.
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯.
We walked around the yard, looking for the boys that we usually hang out with. Eventually we found them. The relevant ones are Brandt, Alex, and Dustin. They were all cute, especially Dustin, but he was an asshole. I don't think he'd ever be into me. Eventually, the bell rang and it was time to go to homeroom. Me and Heather walk in side by side, and see a weird guy playing the guitar. I browse the room, looking for any new kids, and I see Maya and Anna admiring the teacher. Ew.
The board reads August 28, 2000. I thought about what it would be like in the next 40 years. It's weird to think I'll probably never talk to any of these people when I'm grown.
The teacher, named Mr. O, starts taking attendance.
"Jessica Abrams?" Mr. O reads, "Here" she replies
"Anna Kone?" "Present"
"Brandt Jackson?" "President" Brandt mocks Anna, everyone laughs at his dumb joke, and I look over to see Anna laughing along, acting as if he wasn't making fun of her.
"Maya Ishii Peters?" "Present" Maya says, confidently. "Ishii... Oishi, making me hungry. That means food, right?" Mr. O says, clearly bragging like we care that he knows Japanese. "Yeah! That's crazy, how did you know that?" Maya says surprised. "Spent a little time in Japan teaching English, in my 20s."
"London Jacobs?" Mr. O says, "Here" i reply, zoned out. "Enthusiastic!", the teacher says, mocking me. He gets a few laughs, and an eye roll from me. After a bit of blabbering, he gives us our locker codes. We all rush out, excited.
When I walk into the hallway I see a bunch of posters saying "BRANT LOVES MAYA", or "DUSTIN LOVES MAYA". "Damn girl, leave some for the rest of us!" I say to Maya, as everyone laughs. I feel a pant of guilt, knowing that it was a joke.
We're all crowded around my locker, me and my friends, as Becca calls Maya over. I see Maya try to pull Anna with her, but Anna refuses, then Maya walks toward us without a care in the world for her friend. Damn.
"Hey!" Maya says, clearly nervous.
Poor girl, however, knowing Maya, if I told her the truth she wouldn't believe me. That girl just has to find out on her own.
"You look different!" Heather says, in an obvious sarcastic tone, but Maya doesn't catch it.
"I got a last minute hair cut." Maya says, proud. "Where from?!" I but in. Maya looks over to Anna hoping for a fake salon name, "Salon....", she looks over and Anna stutters, "Superb! Salon Superb!" "Oh yeah that one!!" Maya says.
"Hm! Never heard of that one!" Becca says, laughing. "Anyway, Brandt and Dustin obviously think you're like... so fine this year!" "Noo" Maya says, trying to be 'humble' about it. After enough reassurance, she starts talking about how crazy it is and how she can't believe it.
𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐠𝐲𝐦.
Me and Heather, us having most classes together, stand in the locker room, as the buff gym teacher is handing out uniforms. We laugh, as we hear Anna and Maya talk about the Dustin and Brandt situation, making sure there was no other Maya.
Ms. Holivido yells at Anna and Maya for talking over her, and says she's watching them. Weirddd.
Me and Heather talked as we rolled up our shorts and let the baggy shirts hang over us, hoping that they look cute. Probably not but I really don't care.
We were playing kickball, I stood in the field pretending like I would be caught dead trying in P.E. I was good at almost everything, I just didn't wanna try. Me, Heather, and some other girls like Jessica, sat on the grass and picked at the shards of freshly cut grass. I tried making knots with the grass, but most of the time the grass tore.
I look over at Dustin, admiring him and his sexy ass earring, as he catches me, smirking at me and winking. What the hell. I look away, hoping my face wasn't red. Is Dustin kinda into me? I asked the girls what they thought and they reassured me that he definitely likes me and he'd be dumb if he didn't. A girl can dream.

Not checked over!!
Word count: 1045

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