A new begging (a sequal to hopeless love)

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Hey ladies and gents! Are you guys ready for book two!?! Now just to let any new readers know that this is a sequel to hopeless love. If you haven't read it this book might not make sense. Love yours truly ;) ~Amy


Luna's POV

The boy standing behind my cousin, Amy stepped forewords and shyly said um hi I'm Amy's boyfriend. I smiled and said oh hello! Then turning to Amy I said wait you didn't tell me why you were here? She clapped her hands and said oh yeah me and Kai are here for our date! I laughed and said all I cared about in 8th grade was, well grades and soccer.


Hey super short I know but it is more of an intro into the book so yeah! The story continues despite what my brother says long live team L.T!!!!!

(oh and team B.J) lol sorry

A new begging (a sequel to hopeless love)Where stories live. Discover now